The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of June 3, 2007. Click map to view.

By DJ Elliott, CJ Radin and Bill Roggio

The Baghdad Order Of Battle is an attempt to determine the security forces, both U.S. and Iraqi, are deployed in each neighborhood, and to provide context to the overall operation. We believe we have determined where most of the the Iraqi Army Brigades will be deployed. Some of the U.S. Brigades/Battalions and all Iraqi National Police units have also been located with a lesser degree of certainty.

The information presented in the Baghdad Order Of Battle is based entirely on open source information, which includes Multinational Forces Iraq press releases and media reports. We believe this an accurate representation of the Baghdad Order Of Battle, and will update the map with any corrections or changes on a weekly basis.

Weekly Briefs:

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: June 18, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: June 12, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: June 5, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: May 21, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: May 14, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: May 7, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: April 30, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: April 9, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: April 2, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: March 26, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: March 19, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: March 12, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: March 5, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: February 26, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: February 19, 2007

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: February 10, 2007

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