A group of 13 kidnapped nuns was released by the Al Nusrah Front in a swap for over 150 female detainees in regime prisons. Regime and Hezbollah forces continued to battle rebel forces including the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, and the Islamic Front, in Yabroud, where the nuns had been held. The ISIS continued to clash with the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front in Hasakah. Regime forces battled Al Nusrah, the Islamic Front, and the Dawood Brigade in Idlib, and fought against the Islamic Front and the Jund al Sham in Homs. Al Nusrah forces raided four villages in Aleppo, seizing persons accused of dealings with regime forces; an ISIS checkpoint fired on a bus carrying civilians.
Bill Roggio is a regular guest on the John Batchelor Show from Monday through Friday to discuss the war. Check John's site for the time. Click here to listen live online at WABC.