Deputy Prime Minister Jamil said the conflict has reached a stalemate and the government will call for a ceasefire at the Geneva Two conference. US intelligence indicates the Assad regime has been moving chemical weapons since the US-Russian deal was reached for their surrender. The Supreme Military Council said the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant recently raided an SMC arms depot filled with light weapons and ammunition provided by Gulf states in coordination with the CIA. The Free Syrian Army's Northern Storm Brigade tried to retake the border town of Azaz from the ISIL. A roadside bomb blew up a bus in an Alawite village in Homs, reportedly killing 19 people. A car bombing of a government building in Zamalka in Damascus killed 20 people.
Bill Roggio is a regular guest on the John Batchelor Show from Monday through Friday to discuss the war. Check John's site for the time. Click here to listen live online at WABC.