Tag Archives: Yemen


The father of a sailor murdered in the USS Cole terrorist attack is calling for Yemen to be classified as a state sponsor of terrorism. In an open letter, Gary Swenchonis Sr. asks Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh to re-imprison his son’s killers. Those convicted received light sentences have escaped from Yemeni jails or have […]


Two people were killed and 16 others were wounded in clashes between security forces and demonstrators in the southern Yemeni port city of Aden. Security forces fired on the crowd, deployed tear gas, and arrested 11. Tens of thousands had gathered calling for reconciliation between former Southern factions that fought on Jan. 13, 1986. Yemen’s […]


Saudi Arabia began construction of a border wall with Yemen. Yemeni trafficking of children, weapons, and banned products is substantial. In December, the Kingdom arrested a terror cell led by Yemeni who had trained at the al Farouq camp in Afghanistan. Eight Chinese-made missiles were smuggled from Yemen by the cell in preparation for attacks.


Renewed fighting shattered a six-month cease-fire between northern Shiite rebels and the Yemeni military. Thirty are reported dead. After celebrating Eid al Ghadeer, Al Jaon village was shelled by the military. The Shiite holiday was banned in 2004 at outbreak of the war. Civilian casualties included a four year old. An aid to General Ali […]


Security forces arrested eight minors for lighting firecrackers in celebration of Eid al Ghadeer, a mainstream Zaidi Shiite holiday banned since the inception of the Sa’ada war in 2004. Yemen’s attorney general stated “high level orders” prevented the children’s release. Zaidi scholar Mohammed Miftah was also arrested on charges of celebrating the holiday. Miftah, a […]


The International Federation of Journalists urged Yemen™s President to dismiss “terrorism” charges against journalist Abdulkarim al Khaiwani who received photographs of the war-torn Sa’ada region. Al Khaiwani, a vocal regime critic, was beaten, kidnapped, censored, and threatened for reporting on the war and currently faces the death penalty. Al Wasat newspaper reported Jamal al Badawi […]

Yemen’s Intifada

Jane Novak looks at the internal problems in Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula. Recent unrest may signal a renewed round of fighting and perhaps civil war.

The State of Jihad: 2007

A year-end roundup of the major developments in the Long War in the primary and secondary theaters across the globe.


Canadian intelligence reports terrorist groups may raise funds through Qat smuggling. The mildly narcotic shrub accounts for six percent of Yemen’s GDP, employs one in seven working Yemenis, depletes scarce ground water, and limits other agricultural production. Seventy-two percent of Yemeni men and 33 percent of Yemeni women chew qat although Yemen has one of […]


Yemen is redeploying military units to its northern Sa’ada province, probably for an offensive against Shiite rebels. The rebels charge the regime reneged on a cease-fire agreement by destroying locals’ homes and engaging mass arbitrary arrests. The military destroyed a mosque, shot farmers in the field, and fired on buses according to local media. The […]


Al Qaeda is establishing bases of operation in Yemen’s mountainous regions in the north, stirring up sectarian and tribal wars, and may be shifting its activities to the Arabian Peninsula. A Yemeni court ordered the arrest of seven members of a Sana™a terrorist cell.


Why Mareb is seen as a haven for Al Qaeda


Yemen sentenced 32 al Qaeda fighter to 2-15 years in jail for “forming an armed gang aimed at carrying out sabotage attacks.” The men were also behind the attacks on the Safer refinery and the al Dhabba terminal. Four were acquitted.


US says bomber of US destroyer Cole still jailed


The government denied that Jamal Badawi, who was behind the USS Cole bombing in October 2000, was released from custody. Badawi’s death sentence has been commuted to 15 years, and it is possible he is now under house arrest.


Yemeni al Qaeda leader Jamal Badawi, who was behind the USS Cole bombing in October 2000, was released from Yemeni custody. Bawadi surrendered to the police in mid-October.


Jamal Badawi, one of the al Qaeda operatives behind the attack on the USS Cole in 2000, surrendered to Yemeni authorities, according to a report. Badawi escaped from a Yemeni prison in February 2005 along with 22 other al Qaeda operatives.


Tracking Yemen’s 23 Escaped Jihadi Operatives – Part 1


Yemen arrests 3 suspects in July terrorist attack on Spanish tourists


Yemeni security forces stopped an attack against government and business targets in the port city of Aden just hours before the attack was to be launched. Police said they were Iraqi war veterans, most of whom completed terrorist training for suicide attacks, who had fought beside local al Qaeda fighters and then sent to Yemen […]


Yemen arrests 9 suspects in terrorist attack that killed Spanish tourists

Al Qaeda

Yemeni rebels given 48 hours to accept peace timetable


Al Qaeda in Yemen conducted reprisal attacks against a power station and a government building in the north Yemen town of Marib. The attack on the power station included the use of explosives and rocket-propelled grenades, causing the power to go out in Marib. Police checkpoints were also hit.