Tag Archives: Yemen


An Iranian diplomat who has been held hostage since July 2013 has been freed and has returned to Iran. Iranian officials claimed he was freed in a military operation, but Yemeni officials claimed he was released as part of a prisoner swap. Houthis seized control of the National Dialogue headquarters in Sana’a and demanded former […]

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AQAP posts video of attack at First Military Command Base in Hadramout

On Feb. 17, the media wing of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), al Malahem Media Foundation, released the latest installment of its video series documenting the group’s attacks, called “From The Battlefield.” This most recent episode features footage of a double suicide attack on the Yemeni military’s First Military Command base in Hadramout […]


Italy closes embassy in Yemen as security deteriorates


Yemen rebels seize US Embassy vehicles as diplomats flee

Influential AQAP ideologue killed in US drone strike

Harith bin Ghazi al Nadhari, a senior sharia official in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, was killed in a US drone strike on Jan. 31. Al Qaeda had consistently elevated Nadhari’s media profile, meaning he was considered a key ideologue for the global organization.

Al Qaeda

US drone strategy in trouble as Yemeni al Qaeda gathers support

AQAP releases infographics detailing attacks

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has released a report including two infographics that detail its attacks over the past three months. The group claims credit for 205 operations, including the massacre at Charlie Hebdo’s offices in Paris.


Houthis welcome Yemeni president’s concessions but gunmen remain


A Yemeni military commander said that Shiite Houthi rebels have seized the Presidential Palace in the capital of Sana’a. The Houthis took the palace just one day after inking a cease fire with the government after nine people were killed during clashes in the capital. Houthis also kidnapped President Hadi’s chief of staff.