Tag Archives: Yemen


A court sentenced three members of an al Qaeda cell to seven years each in jail for conspiring to attack tourists and government facilities. A 15-year-old member of the cell was sentenced to two years in jail. The cell plotted the attacks to avenge the death of al Qaeda field commander Hamza al-Kaithi

Saudi Arabia

Al Qaeda Commander in Saudi Custody May Still Pose Threat From Prison


Yemen released 170 al Qaeda suspects after they signed pledges not to engage in terrorism, according to an anonymous Yemeni official. The release comes two weeks after al Qaeda in Yemen announced its merger with the Saudi branch and just as the government said it would attack al Qaeda strongholds in the northern city of […]

Saudi Arabia’s most-wanted

Saudi Arabia has released a list of 85 “most-wanted” terrorists that includes 11 former Guantanamo detainees. The list also includes an al Qaeda terrorist operating a major network inside Iran.


Al-Qaeda settles in Yemen | A nice safe haven for jihadists


British were complacent in Afghanistan, says Sir Jock Stirrup


Three suspects were detained in a shooting incident outside the US embassy in Sana’a; US and Yemeni accounts of the incident differ. Al Qaeda in Yemen announced the merger with al Qaeda in Saudi Arabia, and formed al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.


US embassy in Yemen says gets threat of attack

Return to Jihad

Two former Guantanamo detainees appear in an al Qaeda propaganda video. Both detainees have senior positions in al Qaeda in Yemen and have been accused of working with a charity operating in Iran.


Yemeni al Qaeda military commander Abu Osama said more than 300 Yemenis volunteered to fight in in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia during 2008. President Saleh said 94 Yemenis will be released from Guantanamo Bay and sent back to Yemen over the next several months.

Al Qaeda

US sanctions Iran-based al Qaeda; Zawahiri promises fighters to Yemen


Radical Yemeni cleric Abdul Majid al Zindani has called on all Arab leaders to open camps for Arabs and allow them to volunteer for Jihad against Israel. “Open camps for volunteers to replace the Arab armies which are unable to standby their brothers in Palestine,” Zindani said. Zindani was named by the US Treasury as […]


The Yemeni Interior Ministry released Salim Hamdan, an admitted driver for Osama bin Laden, who has been found guilty of supporting terrorism by a military jury at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Hamdan was transferred to Yemeni custody in November 2088 after serving a little over five years of a five and a half year sentence.

The State of Jihad: 2008

LWJ-Globe.jpgThe Long War Journal’s roundup of the major developments in the primary and secondary theaters during the past year.


Yemen the main source of illegal arms to Somalia: UN


Yemen: Al-Qaeda ‘allied’ with separatists in south


German hostages in Yemen freed: tribal source


Yemen: Police arrest over 100 in German hostage standoff


Three Germans kidnapped in Yemen: official