Tag Archives: Yemen


Yemen rebels say Saudi troops fired on border town


Al Qaeda finds a foothold amid Yemen™s poverty, fighting and corruption


Yemeni’s case shows hurdles to leaving Guantanamo

Former Gitmo detainee killed in shootout

A former Guantanamo detainee named Fahd Saleh Suleiman al Jutayli has reportedly been killed in a shootout in Yemen. Prior to his repatriation to Saudi Arabia, Jutayli was accused of having fought at Tora Bora.


Arabiya showed a video of Said Ali al Shihri soliciting an unknown Saudi for donations. “The bearer of this message is trusted by us,” Shihri said. The video was taken with a cell phone in a car. Shihri is a former Gitmo detainee who is now al Qaeda’s commander in Yemen.


As Al Qaeda grows, Yemen battles Shia rebels


Yemen says Shiite rebel posts recaptured


Security officers arrested four Yemeni men suspected of plotting to attack the US embassy in Sana’a. The four men were arrested near the embassy; their two cars were packed with automatic rifles, ammunition, and hand grenades. The suspects are from the town of Damag.


Yemen blames northern rebels for breaking truce


Yemen – More than 25,000 ‘displaced by conflict’

Al Qaeda ‘running’ from Pakistan, again

The good news is Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik seems to have dropped the charade that newly appointed Taliban chief Hakeemullah Mehsud is dead. The bad news is we’re going to be bombarded with more of the “Taliban is collapsing” rhetoric. From The Nation (the Pakistani newspaper): Interior Minister Rehman Malik has said Pakistan and […]


Over 100,000 people displaced by Yemen fighting: UN


Yemen points to Iranian backing for rebels


Shiite rebel leader among dozens killed in renewed Yemen clashes


16 rebels, five soldiers killed in Yemen clashes


Yemeni planes bomb north province for 2nd day


Yemen defense ministry denies al-Qaeda attack in Mareb


Bomb goes off in south Yemen; another defused


Three soldiers and an al Qaeda leader were killed after al Qaeda fighters ambushed an Army convoy heading to Ma’arib. Two soldiers were killed during the ambush, and one soldier and wanted al Qaeda leader A’ed Saleh al-Shabwani were killed after security forces raided a hideout.


A court sentenced six members of an al Qaeda cell to death after they were convicted of conducting 13 terrorist attacks since 2007. Ten others were sentenced to terms of between eight and 15 years. The cell was behind the murder of nine Spanish and Belgian tourists, the attack on the US embassy in Sanaa, […]