Tag Archives: Yemen


Security forces claimed to have killed two members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula who were plotting to attack the US and British embassies in Sana’a. The plot forced the US and Britain to close their embassies. Tribesmen from Marib warned al Qaeda not to operate in their territory.


The US and British embassies in Sana’a closed their doors after receiving intelligence of possible al Qaeda attacks. Britain has deployed counterterroism teams to Yemen to aid in the targeting al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. More than 20 Britons are thought to have trained in Yemeni terror camps over the past several months.

Al Qaeda

MI5 knew of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab™s UK extremist links


The new Al-Qaeda chiefs bringing terror to the world


Somalia-based Shabaab vowed to send fighters to Yemen to battle the US and Yemeni security forces. The US will double the $70 million in security aid to Yemen this year, according to US CENTCOM Commander General David Petraeus.

Al Qaeda

I shall send hundreds of men to fight alongside our neighbours, vows al-Qaeda ally in Somalia


Yemeni security forces claimed to have captured an al Qaeda operative during a raid in the western province of Hudaydah. The US government is actively investigating Anwar al Awlaki’s ties to the Christmas Day airliner bombing plot. Awlaki is a US citizen.


Yemen’s foreign minister said hundreds of al Qaeda operatives are based in the country. “There are maybe hundreds of them: 200, 300 — I don’t have real (hard) figures,” Foreign Minister Abubakr al Qirbi said. Anwar al Alwaki reportedly provided religious justification for the Christmas Day airline plot.

Anwar al Awlaki ‘blessed’ Christmas day airline bombing attempt

The Washington Times appears to have confirmed what many of us have suspected immediately after the Christmas day airline bombing attempt failed and federal authorities detained Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab: radical, US born cleric Anwar al Awlaki had provided the religious justification for Abdulmutallab to conduct the attack: The Nigerian accused of trying to blow up […]

Al Qaeda

‘Hundreds of al-Qaeda militants planning attacks from Yemen’


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took credit for the attempted bombing of a US airplane on Christmas Day and vowed to conduct further attacks. “[W]e have come to slaughter you (and) will strike you with no previous (warning), our vengeance is near,” said a statement released by the group on the Internet.

Al Qaeda

Uninvestigated terrorism warning about Detroit suspect called not unusual


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula said it would avenge the deaths of those killed in the Dec. 17 and Dec. airstrikes that reportedly killed more than 64 al Qaeda fighters. “We will not let Muslim women and children’s blood be spilled without taking revenge,” the group said in a statement released in the Internet.