Tag Archives: Yemen


Security forces detained three Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives near the Saudi border. The operatives were carrying weapons, explosives, and terrorist literature. The Houthi rebels claimed to have shot down a Saudi Apache attack helicopter.


Qasim al Raymi, the military leader of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, was among six terrorists reported killed in an airstrike in the Al Ajasher region. Also thought killed are the al Qaeda leader of Marib province and an Egyptian suicide bomb facilitator.


More than 150 Yemeni clerics said the people were obligated to wage jihad if outside forces interfere with internal affairs. Yemen is seeking $4 billion in foreign aid yearly to deal with security and economic problems. The US believes there is a “credible threat” of an attack from al Qaeda in Yemen.

ACLU files FOIA request on Predator program

This is sure to make many people in Washington uncomfortable: In a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed today, the American Civil Liberties Union asked the government to disclose the legal basis for its use of predator drones to conduct “targeted killings” overseas. In particular, the ACLU seeks to find out when, where and […]


Security forces killed the leader of an al Qaeda cell operating in Shabwa; four members of the cell were detained. Two soldiers were killed in a separate clash. The government denied that it offered al Qaeda operatives money if its members would leave the country.

Al Qaeda

Yemeni officials admit they are losing the battle against al-Qaeda


Anti-terror forces detained seven suspected al Qaeda fighters near the US Embassy in Sana’a. The government said it knows the location of five kidnapped German tourists. Yemen’s foreign minister said there is no agreement that allows for the US to conduct airstrikes on Yemeni soil.


President Ali Abdullah Saleh said he would open negotiations with al Qaeda operatives who are willing to lay down their weapons. “Dialogue is the best way … even with al Qaeda, if they set aside their weapons and return to reason,” Saleh said.


General Petraeus puts Al Qaeda threat in Yemen in perspective


Yemen says bomb suspect may have met radical cleric


The Yemeni military arrested three members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and four others who sheltered them during a raid in the Arhab district in northern Sana’a. The US has halted the transfer of Yemeni al Qaeda detainees being held at Gitmo.


Yemeni security forces have launched operations against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in the capital of Sana’a, as well is in the provinces of Shabwa, Marib, and Abyan. Five suspected al Qaeda fighters have been detained. The US reopened its embassy in Sana’a.