Tag Archives: Yemen


A court sentenced seven al Qaeda fighters to prison sentences ranging from five to 10 years for attacking foreign and local targets. Houthi rebels fighting in Yemen’s North claimed to have withdrawn from a series of villages across the border in Saudi Arabia.


The government claimed al Qaeda was responsible for the Jan. 24 attack at a checkpoint in Shabwa province. “Five tribal leaders in Shabwa are negotiating with al Qaeda members to give themselves up,” a security official said. The leader of the Shia Houthi rebels offered a truce to Saudi Arabia so it could withdraw its […]

Targeting Awlaki: A violation of lawfare?

According to ABC News, the US may have missed an opportunity to kill radical US-born cleric Anwar al Awlaki because those prosecuting the attack feared “the possibility of criminal prosecution without approval in advance from the White House.” White House lawyers are mulling the legality of proposed attempts to kill an American citizen, Anwar Awlaki, […]


Both the Yemeni and Saudi governments claimed the Shia Houthi rebels operating in the North are coordinating attacks with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Three soldiers were killed in an attack at a checkpoint in Ataq in Shabwa province, an al Qaeda stronghold.


Increased security checks at US airports slammed as racial profiling

Al Qaeda

Justice task force recommends about 50 Guantanamo detainees be held indefinitely

Shabaab looks to the Somali North

The al Qaeda-linked group has initiated a terror campaign in Puntland and has threatened to take over the semi-autonomous region and the breakaway republic of Somaliland.


The military bombed the home of an al Qaeda operative said to have been killed in an airstrike last week. Both the US and the UN added Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to their lists of terrorist entities. Thirty-six former American prisoners are thought to have joined al Qaeda in Yemen.

Is Yemen’s Raymi out to lunch?

Abu Hurayrah Qasim al Raymi, Last weekend, the Yemeni government claimed that Qasim al Raymi, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s military commander, and five other senior leaders of the terror group were killed in the Jan. 15 airstrike in a remote region of Al Jawf. But tribal leaders claimed Raymi was seen eating lunch […]

Said al Shihri captured?

Said Ali al Shihri, former Guantánamo detainee and deputy leader of al Qaeda in Yemen. Photo from The SITE Institute. The Yemen Observer is reporting that Said al Shihri, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s second in command, was captured after his car overturned at a police checkpoint in Shabwa province, an al Qaeda haven: […]


Security forces reportedly captured Said al Shihri, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s second in command, after his car turned over at a checkpoint in Shabwa. Al Qaeda denied that Qasim al Raymi and five other leaders were killed in last week’s airstrike. Yemen stepped up security at energy facilities in Shabwa.


The government confirmed that Abu Hurayrah Qasim al Raymi, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s military commander, was killed in the Jan. 15 airstrike. Five other al Qaeda operatives, including an Egyptian bomb-maker and the commander in Marib province, were also killed.