Tag Archives: Yemen


The government declared a state of emergency in the southern city of Dalea after a policeman was gunned down there two days ago. Sappers have entered Sanaa to defuse IEDs left by Houthi rebels.


The US will provide $150 million in helicopters, transports, and training to the Yemeni Air Force. The US warned its citizens of the high security threat in traveling to Yemen. Unknown gunmen killed a policeman in Abyan province.


The government is hoping to revive tourism in the western province of Hadramaut, an al Qaeda stronghold, by providing security at tourist sites and conducting uplift programs. Houthi rebels claimed the military will not lift its siege of Sanaa.

Al Qaeda

Under Obama, more targeted killings than captures in counterterrorism efforts


An unnamed interior ministry official claimed Said al Shihri is in command of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula as Nasir al Wuhayshi died in an airstrike in December 2009. The governor of Marib denied al Qaeda controls most of the province. The government said Houthi rebels are obeying a truce.


The Yemeni government announced a ceasefire with the Houthi rebels operating in the North. The agreement was accepted by the leader of the Houthis. The Houthis attempted to assassinate the deputy interior minister in Saada.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s deputy leader, Said Ali al Shihri, said the group’s leadership has survived US and Yemeni airstrikes, and is preparing further attacks. “We inform our brothers in Afghanistan that we are still alive and well and that we will respond to the Crusaders’ air raids and attacks,” Shihri said.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula cleric and recruiter Anwar al Awlaki said he supported the failed Christmas Day airplane bombing over Detroit but did not order the attack. Security forces in Sana’a arrested an al Qaeda operative thought to be behind threats against foreign embassies earlier this year.

Al Qaeda

Airliner bombing suspect is providing FBI with intelligence, source says


A Pakistani explosives expert built the bomb that was used in the attempt to assassinate Saudi Prince Muhammad Bin Naif Bin Abdul Aziz in Jeddah late last year, according to the governor of Abyan province. The unnamed Pakistani is said to have trained other al Qaeda operatives in the use of explosives and is believed […]

Al Qaeda

Cleric in Yemen admits meeting airliner plot suspect, journalist says


The Yemeni government said it would halt military operations in the North once the Houthi rebels agree to their-six point demand. The military claimed 24 Houthi fighters were killed in clashes in Saada.


Security forces detained a suicide bomber at a checkpoint. The bomber is thought to have been en route to conduct an attack in the port city of Mukalla. The leader of the northern Houthi rebels said he would agree to the government’s five-point plan if it ended attacks.


US troops, intel involved in Yemen strikes