Tag Archives: Yemen


A German and an Iraqi are among four suspects detained for the failed assassination attempt of the British ambassador in April. Security forces detained eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters. AL Qaeda distributed propaganda CDs at mosques in Sa’ada. The US increased humanitarian aid to Yemen.


An Army officer and three civilians were killed in separate attacks in Amran Province. The leader of the Bakil tribe has called for his followers to oppose al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Saudi Gitmo recidivists

Uthman-Ghamdi-thumb.JPGAlthough the Saudi government has not identified the 25 terrorists released from Guantanamo Bay who are known to have returned to jihad, 15 of them can be identified.


Two soldiers and three “outlaws” were killed during an ambush that targeted a general in Dhale. Security forces detained the mastermind of the June 19 attack on a security headquarters in Aden that resulted in 11 people killed and several al Qaeda operatives freed.


A squad of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters dressed in military uniforms assaulted a regional security office in Aden, killing 10 security officials and three women who worked in the building. An unknown number of prisoners, including al Qaeda members, were freed in the attack.

Al Qaeda

US considers partially lifting ban on transfers of detainees to Yemen


The General Director of Al Madina district in Marib Province claimed that top al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leaders Nasir al Wuhayshi, Said al Shihri, and Qassim al Raymi are present in his district. Two suspected al Qaeda fighters are being prosecuted for murdering eight Yemeni soldiers.


The defense ministry claimed it foiled al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula plots to attack oil infrastructure in Marib province. Security officials claimed AQAP has issued new names of military and government officials in Marib to be assassinated.


A senior security official was assassinated in Abyan province. Four soldiers were killed, possibly in a suicide attack, at a military camp in Dhalea province. The minister of the interior claimed his forces have killed dozens of al Qaeda fighters.


The government blamed al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula for the bombing of an oil pipeline in Marib. One person was killed during fighting in Marib on June 11 during the hunt for Hassan al Aqily, an al Qaeda leader thought to have assassinated a general.

Al Qaeda

Anwar al-Awlaki: MI5 warns of the al-Qaeda preacher targeting Britain


Yemen army clashes with tribesmen, hunts al Qaeda


Yemen has detained 50 foreign students, including 12 Americans, who are thought to be linked to al Qaeda in Yemen. An Australian woman detained for suspected links to al Qaeda is being deported along with her two children. The government is prosecuting three al Qaeda suspects detained in Hadramout.


Foreign fighters gain influence in Somalia’s Islamist al-Shabab militia


Amnesty International published photographs showing US cruise missile components used in the Dec. 17, 2009, airstrike in Abyan. Wanted al Qaeda leader Hamza Ali Saleh al Dhayani surrendered to the government. The interior minister said the US does not have military bases in Yemen.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed a colonel and a soldier in an ambush of a military convoy in Marib. Ghalib Al-Zayedi, a wanted al Qaeda operative, surrendered to authorities in Marib.


Security forces detained an Australian woman and two Bengali women who are suspected of having ties to al Qaeda. British, French, and American citizens are also said to be in custody. The government gave the Shabwani tribe 200 AK-47s and cash after the death of the province’s deputy governor during an airstrike that targeted al […]


Foreign Minister Qirbi said an investigation as to whether US Predators were used in an airstrike in Yemen has been opened. Prime Minister Mujawar said the country would not allow the targeted killing of radical al Qaeda cleric Anwar al Awlaki.

Former Gitmo detainee featured as commander in al Qaeda tape

Uthman-Ghamdi-thumb.JPGOthman Ahmed al Ghamdi, a former Gitmo detainee, has risen within al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s ranks to commander. He is featured in a tape, along with other AQAP leaders, that celebrates the Fort Hood shooting and the failed Christmas Day 2009 attack, and also threatens further attacks on America.