Tag Archives: Yemen


Four policemen and two “militants” from the Southern Movement were killed during yesterday’s fighting in Lahj province. Al Qaeda killed a tribal leader and two of his bodyguards in Abyan.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed one soldier and wounded four others during attacks in the provinces of Abyan and Lahj. Nine AQAP operatives, including a local commander, were detained in Lauder. Several hundred Americans may have received training at al Qaeda camps in Yemen.

Al Qaeda leader in Yemen tries to woo Saudi soldiers

Said Ali al ShihriSaid al Shihri, an ex-Gitmo detainee who is one of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s most senior leaders, issued an audiotape earlier this month seeking the support of Saudi soldiers and security officers. Al Shihri’s tape echoes the messaging of al Qaeda cleric Anwar al Awlaki, who has sought to convince Muslim soldiers to serve al Qaeda.

United States

Two men on United flight from Chicago arrested in Amersterdam on charges of ‘preparation of a terrorist attack’


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed it killed eight Yemeni soldiers in an ambush at a checkpoint in Zinjibar, the capital of Abyan province. Security forces detained an AQAP suicide bomber in Abyan.


Osama bin Laden’s former bodyguard warned that al Qaeda is gaining strength in southern Yemen and said outside intervention would be needed to help the government. The government and Houthi rebels agreed to begin negotiations during a meeting in Qatar.


Officials: CIA drones may target Yemen terrorists


The interior ministry claimed that the district of Lauder in Abyan province has been cleared of al Qaeda fighters. The US Embassy suspended all travel for its personnel outside of the capital of Sa’ana.


Shabwa: Blood feuds and hospitality in al Qaeda’s Yemen outpost


Security forces killed Yemeni members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in an attack in Louder. On Aug. 23, security forces killed a high-ranking Saudi leader of AQAP and seven other fighters, and detained five more in Abyan.


The Army said it would launch an offensive in 24 hours against 200 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives holed up in the town of Louder. Houthi rebels killed two pro-government clan members in Sa’ada.


Eleven soldiers, five al Qaeda fighters, and three civilians were killed during clashes in the city of Loder in Abyan province over the past two days. Ali Hussain, a former Guantanamo Bay detainee who rejoined al Qaeda, surrendered to authorities.


Hezam Mujali, an al Qaeda operative behind several attacks in Yemen, surrendered to security forces. Mujali was involved in the bombing of the Limburg oil tanker in 2002 and sentenced to death for killing an Army officer in 2004. Mujali escaped from prison in 2006 along with 22 other al Qaeda operatives.


Four people were killed in a bombing in the village of Al Majalah in Abyan province, a known al Qaeda haven. Security forces detained 10 suspects in the assassination of Yemeni intelligence officials.


“Gunmen” assassinated an intelligence official and nearly killed a district level intelligence commander in Abyan. Shia Houthi rebels looted and torched a government building in Al Jawf province.


“Subversive elements” killed an intelligence colonel in the southern province of Lahij. Juma’an Safian, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Jawf province, surrendered to authorities. The US military carried out the May 25 airstrike in Marib.


Secret assault on terrorism widens on two continents


The Interior Ministry issued a list of eight most wanted al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commanders. The eight wanted al Qaeda operatives are said to be behind attacks in the provinces of Marib and Shabwa.


The US Embassy in Sana’a isues a series of warning for Ramadan. “Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) may use the Ramadan season as an opportunity to conduct attacks against American citizens and interests,” according to a warden statement. AQAP attempted to assassinate a government official in Abyan.


A Yemeni court in Hadramout will prosecute 28 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives. One Saudi and one Egyptian are among those who will be prosecuted.


Security forces detained four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters accused of killing three soldiers in Abyan province. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed it carried out the July 25 attack in Shabwa province that killed six soldiers.