Tag Archives: Yemen


Security forces detained a suspected al Qaeda operative in Sa’ana. An al Qaeda fighter on trial claimed Yemen’s intelligence service arranged for him to join the terror group. Yemen’s tourist industry has lost more than $10 billion over the past 10 years due to kidnappings and terror threats.


Terrorism: Italian foreign minister pushes for new EU Horn of Africa envoy


Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al Kurbi confirmed the US carried out airstrikes in Yemen but claimed the actions were halted in later December 2009. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed three Yemeni soldiers while ambushing a convoy carrying the governor of Shabwa province.


The Interior Ministry ordered security to be increased in the capital of Sa’ana and issued photos of eight wanted al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suspects. President Saleh said Yemen is “committed to the war on terror.”


Security forces killed five al Qaeda fighters and detained 32 more during last week’s operation in Huta in Shabwa province. Security forces also detained four suspects in yesterday’s bombing that killed two intelligence officials in Sa’ana.

Ambush on Yemeni troops takes place near Zindani’s university

Abdulmajid al Zindani. An interesting tidbit of news from today’s al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula attack in Sana’a that killed two Yemeni security officials. According to Xinhua, the attack took place near Abdulmajid al Zindani’s Iman University: Two intelligence agents were killed and eight others wounded in an al-Qaeda attack on their bus in […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Penisula fighters killed two intelligence officials and wounded eight others in an ambush on their bus in Sa’ada. AQAP escaped the military operation in Huta, according to a Yemeni official. The governor of Shabwa denied his province is an al Qaeda haven.


More than 40 people have been reported killed in clashes between a government-backed tribe and Houthi rebels in Sa’ada. The military claimed the town of Huta in Shabwa province has been cleared of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters.


Security forces arrested 28 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in the town of Huta in Shabwa province. The government denied the US was aiding the Huta operation as reinforcements have been sent to the town.

Al Qaeda

Risk of small-scale attacks by al-Qaeda and its allies is rising, officials say


More than 8,000 Yemenis fled the town of Huta in Shabwa province as security forces launched an assault against an estimated 100 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters. Three al Qaeda fighters were reported killed in Shabwa yesterday. President Obama’s counterterrorism adviser is visiting Yemen.


The deputy governor of Abyan province survived an assassination attempt after al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters ambushed his convoy; three bodyguards were wounded. Security forces are interrogating Ghawdal Mohammad Saleh Naji for his role in planing and coordinating the June attack on a security headquarters in Aden.


Two Yemeni soldiers were killed in an ambush in the al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula stronghold of Shabwa province. Security forces detained five al Qaeda fighters in the district of Lauder in Abyan province, another AQAP stronghold.


A gas pipeline was bombed in Shabwa province, a known al Qaeda haven. Yemen will begin the trial of four al Qaeda operatives next week; a German is among the four. The US may file terrorism charges against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader Anwar al Awlaki.


A Yemen security official claimed al Qaeda has been defeated in Lauder in Abyan province and said security forces “are achieving remarkable success” against the terror group. The foreign minister described claims of direct US military action in Yemen as “inaccurate media leaks.”


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula issued a hit list of 55 security officials in Abyan. Al Qaeda killed a soldier in an ambush in Abyan. The government claimed it seized documents proving links between the southern separatist movement and al Qaeda.