Tag Archives: Yemen


The WikiLeaks documents confirmed that the US military is secretly carrying out airstrikes inside Yemen. The prime minister joked to General Petraeus that President Saleh lied to Yemen’s parliament about the strikes.


WikiLeaks’s release of documents shows struggle to relocate Guantanamo detainees


A suicide bomber killed only himself and wounded three policemen in an attempt to detonate his car packed with explosives in a police compound in Aden. The government has hired a popular Egyptian preacher to counter al Qaeda’s ideology.


A suicide bomber attacked a group of mourners traveling to the funeral of Badruddin al Houthi, the spiritual leader of the Shia Houthi rebels. One person was killed. The US Ambassador to Yemen said Anwar al Awlaki was involved in the recent airline parcel plot.


Security officials claimed several Shabaab operatives have been detained in camps for Somali refugees in the south. Yemen’s Endowments Minister claimed Shia Houthis and al Qaeda were operating together to attack the state.


A suicide bomber killed 17 Shia Houthis in an attack on a religious procession in Al Jawf province. The Houthis accused the US and Israel of masterminding the attack.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed a soldier in an IED attack in Lauder in the southern province of Abyan; fighting was reported between troops and AQAP after the blast. The UN said security is deteriorating in the north as fighting between government-backed tribes and Houthi rebels continues.


A court delayed the trial of US-born al Qaeda member Sharif Mobely after it could not provide a translator. A Yemeni politician allied with President Saleh claimed that the al Qaeda parcel bomb plot is a US creation designed to pressure the government into allowing the US establish a base on the island of Socotra.


Saudi Prince Turki al Faisal said Yemen is a major security threat to the Saudi state. “Terrorism emerges from Yemen and crosses into the kingdom,” Faisal said. Britain said providing military and humanitarian aid to Yemen was its “highest priority.”


A Houthi fighter killed a tribal sheikh and two family members in a hand grenade attack in Amran province. A colonel in the intelligence services was stabbed by two men near the US embassy in Sana’a.


The military claimed 27 Shia Houthi rebels were killed during fighting in the Manbah district in Sa’ada province. The Secretary General of the Arab League said the West would not intervene in Yemen after the failed parcel bomb plot.


The US is seeking to expand counterterrorism intelligence gathering and operations in Yemen. A suspect in the parcel bomb plot is believed to be hiding in Shabwa province.


The Yemeni military attacked al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula hideouts in Bani Dhabyan west of Sana’a; no casualties were reported. A parcel bomb killed a girl in the city of Dhale.


Security officials denied reports that al Qaeda operatives who recently left Iran have settled in Yemen. Germany lifted the ban of passenger flights originating from Yemen.


Senior Yemeni tribal leaders said they would not hand over al Qaeda ideologue Anwar al Awlaki to the government, and denied there was an agreement with the Yemeni government to do so. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed it attacked a natural gas pipeline in Shabwa province.