Tag Archives: Yemen


Members of the Southern Movement kidnapped an army officer in Lahj. India is sending 100 commandos to protect its missions in Yemen. President Saleh’s political adviser said Yemen can fight terrorism alone.


The four Americans who escaped an attack at a cafe in Sana’a worked for the CIA. US counterterrorism adviser John Brennan said al Qaeda in Yemen poses a larger threat to the West than the Pakistan branch.


Police arrested a Jordanian man suspected of attempting to kill four US embassy employees in Sana’a. The Jordanian is thought to belong to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula; the interior ministry denied, however, that he had any links to the terror group.


The Stockholm suicide bomber may have traveled to Yemen in 2007 and 2008. Houthis killed eight people during a clash in Sana’a. The deputy commander of intelligence in Abyan province escaped an assassination attempt.


Insurgents seriously wounded two soldiers in Shabwa province and kidnapped three more soldiers in Al Dhale province. President Saleh said the US should focus on al Qaeda in Pakistan, and not in Yemen.


Twelve Houthis and six pro-government tribesmen were killed during a clash at a checkpoint in Sa’ada. Southern separatists kidnapped seven policemen in Radfan, Lahj, and Dhale. The government claimed fighting terrorism consumes almost half of its budget.


A court in Hadramaut province sentenced eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives to jail terms of between four to seven years for sheltering al Qaeda fighters from Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan. A court in Sana’a upheld the sentences of seven al Qaeda operatives, but reduced some of the jail terms.

Yemeni al Qaeda commander reported killed

Evan Kohlmann is reporting, via Twitter, that a Yemeni al Qaeda commander has been killed somewhere along the Afghan-Pakistani border. Here is Kohlmann’s first Tweet: Slain Yemeni AQ commander Abu Abdelrahman al-Qahtani has been linked to Camp Chapman bomber Humam al-Balawi (aka Abu Dujanah al-Khorasani). Kohlmann followed that up with a quick description of Qahtani: […]


Police arrested eight suspects thought to be involved in yesterday’s bombing at a khat market in Sana’a. Bell Helicopter has been awarded a $27 million contract to supply helicopters to the Yemeni military.


Thirteen people were wounded in a bomb blast at a khat market Sana’s. Parliament summoned the deputy prime minister to answer questions about allegations in the WikiLeaks document. President Saleh insisted Yemen is not a base for terrorist groups.


Leaked US diplomatic cables show Yemen diverted US counterterrorism aid to fight Houthi rebels. A court sentenced three members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to jail terms of four to 10 years.


Wikileaks cables: US fights flow of arms from eastern Europe to its enemies


Five al Qaeda Arabian Peninsula operatives in Abyan surrendered to police. The trial of four southern separatists accused of working with al Qaeda has begun. Yemen is seeking more military aid from the West.


The Yemeni government claimed WikiLeaks “is lying and publishing totally untrue documents.” Vice President Hadi insisted that the US only provides logistical and technical support to the Yemeni military.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters wounded two soldiers in an IED attack in Lauder. Houthi rebels established checkpoints to find AQAP fighters in the north. A court adjourned the trial of a journalist accused of working with AQAP.