Tag Archives: Yemen


The US State Department said budget cuts will hurt Yemen’s fight against al Qaeda. More than 3,000 Yemenis held protests against the Saleh regime in Sana’a. Two soldiers were kidnapped by southern separatists in Lahj.


A Yemeni security official denied reports that a US Predator crashed outside of Lauder in Abyan province. US Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said al Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen poses one of the greatest threats to the US.


Analysis: Arab rulers use sticks, carrots to stem discontent


Police reportedly recovered remains of a US Predator UAV strike aircraft which supposedly crashed near the village of Jahayn near Lauder in Abyan province. Al Qaeda fighters are said to have intercepted the police and taken charge of the debris.


Ten al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives, including a Syrian national, are on trial for a series of attacks between 2005-2010. An intelligence officer escaped an al Qaeda assassination attempt in Hadramawt province.


Police wounded three protesters in Mukalla after opening fire on the crowd. The Army shelled the town of Radfan in Lahj, wounding three people, after a patrol was attacked. The US delivered four Huey II helicopters for use in counterterrorism operations.


Allies of President Saleh held a counter-rally in Sana’a in support of Yemen’s ruling party. The US Embassy in Sana’a issued a travel warning to US citizens in the capital.


Six countries in the Arab world where ‘winds of change’ are blowing


President Saleh said he would step down after 2013. The interior ministry heightened security around the capital of Sana’a.


Egypt, Jordan, and the Arab world’s ‘watershed’ moment


Two people were killed in clashes between two tribes in Abyan. A journalist convicted of aiding al Qaeda was freed on the order of President Saleh. A court sentenced a convicted al Qaeda operative to seven years in prison.


Oil prices: Oil futures surge on unrest in Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon and Yemen


A small anti-government protest turned violent as police clashed with an estimated 100 people in Sana’a. Security forces have been deployed throughout the capital to prevent further protests.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is accused of carrying out an ambush that wounded two children of a government official in Abyan. Security forces detained six AQAP suspects in Hadramout province. President Saleh criticized Al Jazeera as a tool of both Israel and terror groups.

AQAP kills 5 Yemeni troops, loots convoy

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula ambushed a convoy escorted by Yemeni troops today, killing five soldiers. From the Yemen Post: At least five soldiers were killed and others injured in a suspected Al-Qaeda ambush in Yemen’s eastern Hadramout province on Wednesday. A security source was quoted by Almasderonline.com as saying that Al-Qaeda militants targeted […]