Tag Archives: Yemen


Three soldiers and two civilians were killed during clashes in Lahj. The military killed two civilians in the north. The Interior Minister said al Qaeda may attack in five southern provinces.


Opposition leaders said President Saleh is working on a plan to transition power in the next year. A pro-al Qaeda tribal leader has pledged support to anti-government protesters.


Security forces killed two civilians in Lahj and arrested dozens of Southern Movement members in Aden. President Saleh apologized for blaming the protests in Yemen on the US.

Awlaki’s emails to terror plotter show operational role

rajib_karim.jpgOn Monday, a British Airways employee named Rajib Karim was convicted of plotting to blow up a US-bound airliner. While planning the attack, Rajib emailed back and forth with al Qaeda cleric Anwar al Awlaki. The emails reveal that Awlaki played a direct, operational role in Rajib’s plotting.


President Saleh accused the US and Israel of stoking unrest in Yemen and the wider Arab world. “There’s an operations room in Tel Aviv with the aim of destabilizing the Arab world,” he said. Saleh sent military reinforcements to Aden to deal with spreading protests.


Outside Yemen’s capital, anger and grievances run deep


President Saleh said he was prepared to form a unity government, but the opposition parties rejected the arrangement. Suspected al Qaeda fighters killed two soldiers in Zinjibar in Abyan.


The leaders of two major tribes have sided with the opposition and called for the ouster of President Saleh. Five people were killed on Friday during protests in Aden.


Yemen’s Leader Orders Police to Protect Protesters


Two people were killed during protests in Sana’a. Unknown gunmen kidnapped an army colonel and eight soldiers en route to Amran province.


Security forces captured Abdullah Maodhah, an al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader, during a raid in Abyan; three soldiers and two civilians were killed during the raid. Protests have spread to the western province of Hadramout.


Graphic: Political unrest in North Africa and the Middle East


President Saleh rejected protesters’ calls for him to resign his presidency. Thousands of Houthis joined protests in Sa’ada, while more than 10,000 protesters continue their sit-in in Sana’a. Security forces arrested an opposition leader.


Government supporters killed one protester at Sana’a University. President Saleh accused the Socialist Party of carrying out “foreign agendas.” The chief of staff of Brigade 111 survived an al Qaeda assassination attempt in Abyan.


Goverment forces cracked down on anti-government protesters throughout the country. Two protesters were killed in Aden, and two more were killed in Taiz.


Pro-government supporters and anti-government protesters clashed at Sana’a university; dozens of people were wounded. Protests also continue in Taiz. The government is deploying thousands of troops to Sana’a and the provinces.


Security forces killed two anti-government protesters in Sana’a and wounded eight more. Thousands continued to protest in Taiz for the fifth day straight. Yemen announced its oil reserves have increased to 11 billion barrels and gas reserves to 18 trillion cubic feet.


Foreign Minister Qirbi said that the Yemeni government will not collapse due to protests as have the regimes in Egypt and Tunisia. The US ended its ban on air cargo from Yemen.


Police forcibly broke up anti-Saleh protests in Sana’a and Taiz over the weekend; 165 people have been arrested. The US will aid in the training and expansion of Yemen’s counterterrorism forces.

Said al Shihri killed?

Said Ali al Shihri, former Guantanamo detainee and deputy leader of al Qaeda in Yemen. Photo from The SITE Institute. The Yemen Post is reporting that Said al Shihri, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s deputy leader and a former Guantanamo Bay detainee, was killed when a bomb he was assembling detonated prematurely. The following […]