Tag Archives: Yemen

US adds AQAP bomb maker to terrorist list

ibrahim-asiri.jpgAl Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operative Ibrahim Hassan Tali al Asiri serves as the terror group’s top bomb maker. Asiri was involved in the assassination attempt that targeted Saudi Arabia’s deputy interior minister.


President Saleh is reportedly working on a deal to relinquish power. The Shabwa tribe took control of seven Central Security Forces compounds, effectively putting them in control of the province. Three people in Hadramout were wounded during clashes between the presidential guards and army units who back protesters.


Parliament passed an emergency powers act, which calls for a 30-day state of emergency. Security forces killed two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives in Abyan.


Major General Ali Mohsen Saleh, the commander of the first armored division and the northwest military commander, has joined protesters to oppose President Saleh. Two other brigadiers also have abandoned Saleh. Gunmen attacked power lines in Marib, forcing Sana’a to conduct rolling blackouts.


President Saleh’s own tribe demanded his resignation as he sacked the entire cabinet. Security forces have withdrawn from Sana’a University. The US embassy in Sanaa’a again issued a travel warning.


Security forces and “unidentified snipers” opened fire on protesters at Sanaa University, killing 42 people. President Saleh declared a state of emergency after the massacre.


The government claimed that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula attacked a police outpost in Marib, near where tribal members attacked an oil pipeline two days ago. Security officials said two policemen and three AQAP fighters were killed. Security forces arrested two AQAP members in Taiz.


More than 10,000 supporters of President Saleh attacked a group of 4,000 anti-government protesters in Sana’a, the capital. More than 120 people are reported to have been wounded in the attack.


The Shabwan tribe in Marib province attacked a pipeline and cut off the flow of 120,000 barrels of oil a day. The government accused the Joint Meeting Parties of collaborating with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and Houthi rebels.


Protesters in Al Jawf province stormed a security headquarters and killed a general and two sergeants. Protesters also torched a police station in Aden. Yemen evicted four US and British journalists.


Security forces killed seven protesters and wounded more than 110 after opening fire on crowds across the country. Doctors accused the government of using nerve gas. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed a soldier in Abyan.


Two people, including an influential tribal leader, were killed and hundreds more were wounded during clashes in Sana’a. The Interior Minister denied police killed the protesters and blamed “third parties.”


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed four police in Hadramount. Security forces confirmed that two AQAP fighters were killed at a funeral in Sa’ada. Three protesters were wounded in Aden.


Human Rights Watch accused Yemeni officials and security forces of facilitating attacks on protesters in Sana’a. President Saleh offered to hold a vote on modifying the constitution and transition to a parliamentary government by the end of the year.


Security forces killed one protester and wounded more than 80 in an attack at Sana’a University. Two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were reportedly killed in Sa’ada.


Suspected al Qaeda fighters killed a civilian in Shabwa. A protester was killed by pro-government forces in Ibb. A prisoner died in a riot in Sana’a.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed two intelligence officers in Abyan and Hadramout provinces. Forty-four protesters were wounded in clashes in Ibb province. The opposition vowed to escalate protests as President Saleh called for dialogue.


Suspected al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed four Republican Guards soldiers in Marib province. The US urged its citizens not to travel to Yemen. The Netherlands urged 90 of its citizens to leave Yemen.


President Saleh rejected opposition claims that he agreed to step down and said he will stay in power until 2013. Security forces wounded five protesters in Al Baeda.