Tag Archives: Yemen


The CIA plans to target al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula using unmanned Predator and Reapers aircraft. Airstrikes against AQAP had previously been conducted by the US military.


“Islamic militants” killed a colonel and two soldiers in Zinjibar in Abyan province. Three “Islamic extremists” were killed in airstrikes in Jaar, also in Abyan. More than 40,000 have fled the fighting in Abyab.


Yemen’s Saleh health ‘bad’ a week after blast


The Defense Ministry claimed that 21 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and 19 soldiers were killed during clashes in Lawdar and Zinjibar. Six soldiers and three “gunmen” were killed in Lahj.


Six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in airstrikes outside the town of Jaar. Three soldiers and two members of the Southern Movement were killed in fighting in Habilayn. President Saleh’s son has effectively taken control of the government.


Yemeni forces are fighting to retake control of the city of Zinjibar. President Saleh has suffered burns over 40 percent of his body and received a brain injury.


Fifteen Yemeni troops and 10 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during fighting in Zinjibar. The Yemeni government rejected opposition groups’ offers of talks to transition power.


President Saleh underwent two surgeries in Saudi Arabia. “The first was to remove a piece of shrapnel from his chest, and the second was neurosurgery to his neck,” a family member said.


President Saleh has been transported to Saudi Arabia to receive medical treatment after being wounded in a rocket attack on Friday. Four soldiers from Ali Muhsen Al Ahmer 1st Armored Division were killed in a rocket attack in Sana’a.


President Saleh is rumored to have been moved to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment after being wounded in a mortar attack yesterday. The DoD said it has seen no evidence that Yemeni counterterrorism forces trained by the US military were involved in suppressing protests.


President Saleh and Prime Minister Mujawar were wounded during an artillery attack on the presidential palace in Sana’a. The government blamed Sheikh Sadiq al Ahmar, the leader of a large tribal confederation, for the attack.


Breaking down Middle East and North Africa unrest, country by country


Thirty-seven people were killed during heavy fighting in Sana’a. Security forces killed 12 more anti-government protesters in Taiz.


A truce between President Saleh and the Hashed tribal confederation has ended after fighting broke out in Sana’a. Security forces killed more than 50 people in an attack on a protesters’ camp in Taiz. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is said to be expanding its area of control in Abyan after taking control of […]


The Yemeni air forces bombed the city of Zinjibar after six soldiers were killed in an al Qaeda ambush. Security forces killed 20 people after opening fire on protesters in Taiz.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has taken control of Zinjibar, the provincial capital of Abyan. More than “300 Islamic militants and al Qaeda men” are reported to have stormed the city after government forces left earlier this week.