Tag Archives: Yemen


President Saleh made an appearance on Yemeni television. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed 10 soldiers in an ambush in Abyan. Security forces killed an AQAP commander and several fighters in Abyan.

Alleged Shabaab operative to stand trial in New York

A Somali man named Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame was transferred to New York where he will stand trial for allegedly providing material support to both Shabaab and al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The unsealed indictment in his case follows a series of reports connecting Shabaab to AQAP.


The military claimed it killed 40 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Zinjibar. Four civilians and six “gunmen” were killed in airstrikes in Zinjibar.


The defense minister said troops have been deployed around Aden to prevent the city from falling to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. An unnamed military official denied reports that 50 soldiers have gone missing in Zinjibar.


Two civilians were killed in Yemeni airstrikes in Jaar in Abyan. An Army brigade said it is under siege in its base outside of Zinjibar.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has captured 50 Yemeni soldiers during fighting in Zinjibar. A powerful tribal leader in Abyan is seeking to negotiate with AQAP.


Thirty Yemeni soldiers and 14 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during fighting in Zinjibar. AQAP has taken control of a stadium just outside of Zinjibar.


Security forces arrested six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Aden. Three kidnapped French aid workers have been located.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is consolidating its control of Zinjibar and Jaar in Abyan province. The military said it foiled a terror attack in Aden.


Yemen’s Saleh to reappear as violence grips south


A suicide bomber killed three soldiers in Aden. Security forces killed three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives who escaped from Mukalla prison last week. Police detained the director of Mukalla prison.


US official calls for immediate, peaceful transfer of power in Yemen


Sixty-two al Qaeda fighters escaped during an attack on a prison in Mukalla; one prison guard was killed during the attack. A government spokesman insisted that President Saleh will return from Saudi Arabia this week.


More than 100 Yemeni soldiers have been killed while fighting al Qaeda int he Arabian Peninsula in the city of Zinjibar. The military was forced to withdraw two artillery brigades from the city.


Twelve Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and nine soldiers were killed during fighting in an around Zinjibar, the capital of Lahj province. AQAP has been in control of Zinjibar for nearly a month.


An unnamed Saudi official claimed that President Saleh will not return to Yemen. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took control of parts of the city of Huta in Jahj province. Ten AQAP fighters were detained in Abyan.