Tag Archives: Yemen


Tribesmen stopped a convoy of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters from reaching Zinjibar; one AQAP fighter was killed. Police arrested four suspects in the bombing that killed a British citizen.


The military claimed it killed two senior Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leaders, Aidh al Shabwani and Awadh Mohammed Saleh al Shabwani, during fighting in Zinjibar. Aidh is AQAP’s commander for Marib province.


A British man was killed in a car bombing in Aden. Security forces killed an al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader in Abyan. The leader of the Islah party survived an assassination attempt.


More than 20 “militants” are said to have been killed by Yemeni security forces in Jaar. Six people were killed during clashes between pro- and anti-government protesters in Sana’a.

Latest issue of Inspire highlights al Qaeda succession

OBL-Inspire.jpgAQAP has released the sixth edition of its Inspire magazine. In it, Osama bin Laden is praised as a martyr. Inspire’s editors also praise the selection of Ayman al Zawahiri as al Qaeda’s new emir. Two other al Qaeda affiliates have already sworn their allegiance to Zawahiri.


Yemeni tribes have joined government forces to battle al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in the city of Zinjibar in Abyan. The Joint Meeting Party accused Iran of backing the Shia Houthi rebels in Al Jawf province.


The government claimed al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula conspired with the Joint Meeting Parties to kill President Saleh and other senior officials in last month’s attack at a mosque in the presidential compound.


The US is reported to have killed six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in an airstrike in Abyan. The AQAP fighters recently overran a police station in the province.


Five people were killed in an airstrike in the Arhab province north of Sana’a. Yemeni officials said they were tribesmen “harboring criminals who stand behind the attacks on soldiers,” while locals said those killed were civilians.


More than 30 people were killed during fighting between the Houthis and tribes in the north. Four “militants” and one soldier were killed during clashes in Zinjibar in Abyan province. Two Al Qaeda fighters were killed in airstrikes in Abyan.


“Gunmen” thought to be associated with the Southern Movement killed three soldiers in an ambush in Aden. The government claimed tribal leaders have aided al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula with expanding its operations in Abyan. President Saleh may return to Yemen on July 17.