Tag Archives: Yemen


Tribesmen loyal to President Saleh claimed to have captured 10 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters near the town of Shoqra. Tribesmen also accused Abdul Majid al Zindani of sending more than 300 al Qaeda fighters to battle Yemeni forces in Arhab and Naham.


Security forces killed 26 people, including 14 women and children, in attacks in Arhab. Five al Qaeda fighters were killed in an airstrike in Abyan. Rival al Qaeda groups clashed in Jaar.


One person was killed in a bombing at a Houthi base in Al Jawf province. A government official blamed opposition leader Hamid al Ahmar for the June assassination attempt that seriously wounded President Saleh.


Seventeen al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and three soldiers were killed during fighting in Zinjibar, the capital of Abyan province. Tribesmen in Abyan claimed the government is arming AQAP. The Islamist Islah party and the Shia Houthis signed a ceasefire agreement.


Soldiers killed four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters during artillery strikes in Zinjibar. Tribesmen arrested 15 suspected AQAP fighters in Lawder.


Tribesmen claimed they killed Yassir al-Shalily, a leader of the Ansar al Shariah, during fighting in Mudiyah. Ansar al Shariah is a front group for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.


President Saleh vowed he would return to Yemen and continue to lead the government. “Gunmen” killed a soldier who was patrolling in Aden.


The Yemeni Air Force has killed more than 200 soldiers who refused to fight tribes in Arhab who are opposed to the government. Iraqi pilots have been hired to carry out the strikes. A tribe in the south has rejoined the fight against al Qaeda in Zinjibar.

Al Qaeda fighter’s detention upheld by DC Circuit Court

Moath-Hamza-Ahmed-al-Alwi.jpgThe court’s ruling and a leaked threat assessment of Moath Hamza Ahmed al Alwi, who is held at Guantanamo, revealed that he was a member of al Qaeda’s elite 55th Arab Brigade. Al Alwi also allegedly received specialized training and was a bodyguard for Osama bin Laden.


US Predators killed 15 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in an airstrike yesterday in a village in Abyan province. Yemen’s Interior Ministry denied the report.


Yemen’s Saleh not to transfer power for incapacity: spokesman


Yemeni strike aircraft killed 13 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Zinjibar. The commander of the besieged 25th Mechanized Brigade said Yemeni security forces abandoned their weapons and fled during the AQAP takeover of Zinibar two months ago.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed two Army colonels and five soldiers in attacks in Zinjibar; seven AQAP fighters were also killed during the fighting. The Yemeni Air Force killed 15 tribesmen in air and artillery strikes in Zinjibar.


Yemen’s foreign minister said that civil war would break out if President Saleh was forced to step down. An Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander and four fighters were killed in an airstrike in Zinjibar.


“Militants” linked to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula are demanding a $12 million ransom for three French aid workers. A Republican Guards and an Army division have abandoned the government and joined the protesters.


Yemeni military officers claimed an al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander known as Ali Saeed Jamil was among 12 AQAP operatives killed during fighting in Zinibar. Yemeni officials also claimed a Saudi bomb expert carried out the suicide attack in Aden that killed nine soldiers.


US-trainer counterterrorism forces from the Republican Guards are being deployed against tribesmen in Arhab,and are reported to have killed more than 40 people. Sana’a was plunged into darkness after electricity was cut by tribesmen.


A suicide bomber killed nine Yemeni soldiers and wounded 21 more in an attack on a military convoy in Aden. The convoy was traveling to fight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Zinjibar.