Tag Archives: Yemen


A suicide bomber killed six Yemeni soldiers at a checkpoint in the southern port city of Aden. President Saleh’s son halted negotiations with the opposition and will not support a transition of power.


Yemeni military forces seized the main entrances into Zinjibar and are advancing to the center of the provincial capital; nine al Qaeda and six soldiers were killed during fighting. AQAP fighters are said to be retreating to Shaqra and advancing on Attaq, the provincial capital of Shabwa, and Howtah, the provincial capital of Lahj.


US airstrikes killed 30 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Abyan. US officials doubt that AQAP chief Nasir al Wuhayshi was killed earlier this week in Abyan. Yemeni military claimed it has cleared AQAP from areas in Abyan. Local officials in Lahj believe AQAP is ripe to take over the province.


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The military claimed it has cleared al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula from several areas in Abyan province. AQAP nearly assassinated Yemen’s defense minister in Abyan; two bodyguards were killed in an IED attack. Security forces killed four AQAP fighters in Zinjibar.


The Yemeni military said it killed six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in the Dawfas area of Abyan. AQAP claimed it shot down a Yemeni military helicopter in Abyan on Aug. 27.


Ten Yemeni soldiers and 26 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during fighting in Dawfas in Abyan province. AQAP’s Ansar al Sharia executed a man who opposed the group.


Yemeni military officials claimed al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninisula leader Nasir al Wuhayshi was killed in fighting in Dawfas in Abyan. Four soldiers and three AQAP fighters were killed in Dawfas. The navy claimed it foiled a small boat suicide attack off the coast of Abyan.


Militants killed seven Yemeni soldiers in the Dofas district in the southern province of Yemen. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters are believed to have carried out the attack.


Eight Ansar al Sharia fighters were killed in an airstrike in southern Yemen. A commander named Abu Jaber al Sanaai was among those killed.


Thirty-nine al Qaeda fighters and 11 Yemeni soldiers were killed during fighting in the southern province of Abyab. Fighting was reported in the cities of Zinjibar and Jaar, and the district of Maysameer.


The military claimed it killed four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Abyan. The head of the Shura Council died from wounds suffered in the June 3 assassination attempt that targeted President Saleh.

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden’s wife and five children still imprisoned in Pakistan


A pair of suicide bombers killed 12 pro-government tribal fighters in attacks in Abyan province. The first suicide bomber killed three people in Mudiyah; the second killed nine in Al Arqub.


The government claimed that dozens of fighters loyal to Ali Mohsen and Abdul Majid al Zindani were killed during an attack on a military base in Arhab. Security forces killed four al Qaeda fighters in Abyan.


Five “Islamists” were killed in airstrikes in the al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula-controlled city of Zinibar. The Yemeni government claimed opposition figures were behind the assassination attempt against President Saleh.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters took control of the coastal city of Sharqa in Abyan province. The Houthis accused the US of carrying out a car bombing that killed two people in Al Jawf.