Tag Archives: Yemen


Two Yemeni fighters and three “Islamist militants” were killed during clashes in the southern port city of Aden. Yemenis have described Aden as being under siege from al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.


Analysis: Gaddafi’s death a warning to Syrian, Yemeni leaders


Tribesmen said they would attack US citizens and kill French hostages in retaliation for the drone strike that killed Anwar al Awlaki, his son, and other al Qaeda leaders. Tribesmen in Shabwa province claimed that drones are hovering over the area.


President Saleh demanded guarantees from foreign governments if he is to transfer power. The UNSC is preparing to vote on a resolution dealing with the escalating violence in Yemen. Tribesmen blew up an oil pipeline in Marib.


The government claimed 18 people were killed during clashes between pro-government forces and a tribal leader in Sana’a and Taiz. Security forces arrested three “terrorists” in Aden.


An Egyptian named Ibrahim al Bana who served as al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s media chief, and Abdul Rahman al Awlaki were among seven AQAP operatives killed in five US airstrikes in Shabwa. AQAP also blew up a gas pipeline in Shabwa.


Yemen urges UN to avoid resolution against president


An Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed a policeman in an attack on a police vehicle in the Al Tawahi district in Aden. The government claimed two policemen were injured in the attack.


An air force officer was killed when a bomb placed on his car exploded outside a police station in the Al Qawla district in Aden. Officials are blaming al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.


Security forces arrested “a terrorist group” in the Tawahi district in Aden. The terrorists were manufacturing explosive devices and “Jihadist publications” were also found.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed Yemen troops have withdrawn from areas of Zinjibar and abandoned their weapons. The opposition doubts President Saleh will step aside.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan contacts Saudi Arabia, Yemen to repatriate Bin Laden’s wives


President Saleh claimed he will step down over the next several days. The commander of the 25th Mechanized Brigade claimed al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula will be driven from Abyan in the next several days. A policemen was killed in a bombing in Aden.


Nobel’s Karman ‘the mother of Yemen’s revolution’


Twelve Ansar al Sharia fighters were killed in Ja’ar, and four soldiers and three al Qaeda fighters were killed in Zinjibar. The military killed eight civilians during shelling in Taiz.


The Yemeni government denied reports that Yemeni Air Force fighter-bombers killed 30 soldiers during strikes in Abyan province. “Such news is unfounded,” the official news service of the state claimed.


Women’s rights campaigner warns of Islamists behind Yemen uprising


Analysis: Yemen sinks deeper in conflict as Saleh clings on


Women’s rights campaigner warns of Islamists behind Yemen uprising