Tag Archives: Yemen


Tareq al Dhahab, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, said his forces would quit the town of Rada’a if the government frees more than 400 prisoners. Dhahab also demanded the imposition of sharia law in Rada’a.


A tribal leader whose brother, Tariq al Dhahab, took control of the town, said senior Yemeni leaders conspired with al Qaeda to take control of Rada’a. Tribal leaders in Rada’a gave AQAP 24 hours to leave the town. The chief of intelligence in Aden dodged an assassination attempt.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took control of the town of Rada’a in Baydah province, killing two policemen. The attack was led by the brother-in-law of Anwar al Awlaki. The fighters pledged their loyalty to Ayman al Zawahiri.


Twenty people were killed in northern Yemen during fighting between Houthi rebels and Salafists. Yesterday the Military Affaires Committee gave “armed groups and tribesmen” two days to quit the capital.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed an intelligence officer and wounded seven more during an attack in Aden. President Saleh will travel to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment.


Ongoing clashes north and east of Zinjibar left two al Qaeda fighters and three soldiers dead. An explosion stopped all crude oil output from the Jannah Block oil field in Shabwa. Yemen’s parliament is considering a new law granting immunity to Yemen’s president and anyone who served in his regime over the past 33 years.


President Saleh has decided to stay in Yemen, sparking fears he does not plan on transitioning power. The state-run Yemen News Agency claimed that “the GPC and the Yemeni people want the President to remain in the country to participate fully in ending the crisis.”


Yemeni forces attacked the northeastern outskirts of Zinjibar with ground troops and warplanes, killing six al Qaeda-linked Partisans of Sharia fighters. Four Yemeni soldiers were killed and 10 others were wounded in the battle. Mohammed Miftah has formed a political party to represent Yemen’s Shia rebels.


Five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and two Yemeni solders were killed during fighting near Zinjibar. Five people were killed during fighting among forces loyal to Major General Ali Mohsen al Ahmar.


Al Qaeda-linked fighters killed two Yemeni soldiers in Zinjibar. Eleven Yemeni coast guards, including three officers, were found dead when their boat capsized in the Red Sea off the coast of Hudieda province.


Armed Yemeni guards trying to break up a strike at a government office killed at least one of the protesters. A French journalist was found strangled with an electrical wire in his hotel room in Sana’a. The hotel, Al-Maali, is near the presidential palace in an area controlled by Yemen’s Republican Guard.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed two Yemeni soldiers in an attack near Zinjibar. AQAP halted a protest that called for the terror group to quit Zinjibar.


The military killed six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters during fighting in Zinjibar; two of those killed were Algerian and another was a Saudi. “Gunmen” killed a police officer in Sana’a.


Labor strikes spread through Yemen as workers demanded reforms and dismissal of managers over alleged corruption linked to the country’s outgoing president. Two soldiers and three al Qaeda fighters died when government forces clashed with al Qaeda suspects in Zinjibar.