Tag Archives: Yemen


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed a soldier in Dar al-Nasr in Baydah province. AQAP killed another soldier in a bombing in Mukallah.


Ansar al Shariah, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s political front, claimed it killed a CIA officer in Aden; the military denied the report. Twenty-two Houthis were wounded in a bombing at a anti-US rally in Saada.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula reportedly captured a battalion commander after ambushing his convoy in Abyan. Yemeni soldiers and airmen continue protests calling for the ouster of their commanders.


The Yemeni military reportedly gave al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula one week to leave the cities of Zinjibar and Jaar or face an assault. A general from Taiz accused of killing civilians during protests has fled to Egypt.


Yemeni Protesters Set New Goal – Fixing the Military


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters whipped five people in Jaar for drinking alcohol. President Saleh reportedly will go in exile in Ethiopia. Parliamentarians said that Yemen must develop a counterterrorism strategy without US involvement.


Inside Yemen’s revolution, cracks appear as Saleh leaves


Security forces killed five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters while shelling their positions in Zinjibar. One soldier was also killed in Zinjibar. Protesters from the Southern Movement killed two soldiers in Aden.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed credit for a suicide attack that killed 26 people, including 20 soldiers, at the presidential compound in Mukalla. President Hadi said at his inauguration that the country must continue to fight al Qaeda.

AQAP suicide bomber kills 26 Yemenis

The al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber struck the presidential palace in Mukalla just hours after newly sworn in President Hadi vowed to continue to fight the terror group.


Sixty-five percent of eligible voters cast ballots for Vice President Abed Hadi to succeed President Saleh; Hadi was the only candidate on the ballot. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander Fahd al Quso threatened to attack Islah for being a tool of of the US.


Security officials said a wanted Saudi known as Ghalib Salem al Seiri carried out a suicide attack last week. US Deputy National Security Advisor John Brennan said that Vice President Hadi is committed to fighting al Qaeda. A Houthi cleric called for his followers to support the Syrian regime as it fights “Jews and traitors.”


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed 10 Yemeni soldiers in Al Koud. The military killed three AQAP fighters in Zinjibar. Security forces detained five “terrorists” who were planning to bomb polling centers in Aden. The military is deploying more than 100,000 security personnel to provide security for the upcoming election.


Security forces captured 21 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters who were involved in the murder of five Yemenis in Baydah. President Saleh has diplomatic immunity in the US and cannot be compelled to testify at the trial of an al Qaeda operative involved in the bombing of the USS Cole.


Tariq al Dhabab, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s leader in Rada’a, was killed in a mosque by his brother Hazam. Tariq’s followers killed Hazam at his home. A suicide bomber wounded seven soldiers at a checkpoint in Marib.


“Gunmen” killed an Army official and four others in Baydah, and a soldier in Marib. Houthi rebels killed five children and a woman during shelling in Hajjah. Yemeni forces intercepted an Iranian weapons shipment destined for the Houthis.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan petitioned to release Osama bin Laden’s youngest wife


The military claimed it killed 12 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Zinjibar; two soldiers were also killed. A man killed himself while attempting to attack a voting center in Crater with a hand grenade.


Ansar al Sharia, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s political front, beheaded two Saudis and a Yemeni who were accused of spying for the US. “Gunmen” assassinated a colonel in the Political Intelligence Security directorate in Al Baytha.