Tag Archives: Yemen


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is said to have kidnapped a Swiss woman and reportedly is demanding the release of two AQAP prisoners in exchange for her release.


Iran is providing weapons, including EFPs, to Houthi rebels in the north. The White House continues to support the detention of a Yemeni journalist who was convicted of working with al Qaeda.


Yemeni Salafists formed a political party. President Hadi replaced the commanders of several key military units. Former President Saleh demanded that 10 of his political opponents go into exile along with him.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed four Yemeni soldiers in an attack at a checkpoint near Al Baydah. The attack took place in the city where US drones killed 20 AQAP fighters just days ago.


The US killed three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters on March 11 in an airstrike in Jaar. The spokesman of the Houthis said the tribes are preventing them from ousting the Americans from Yemen.


Two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in a premature detonation in Mudiyah in Abyan province. Security forces arrested four Shabaab fighters in Mudiyah.


At least 38 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and commanders are reported to have been killed in airstrikes in Jaar and Al Baydah. Abdulwahhab al Homaiqani, the commander for Al Baydah, is said to have been killed.


Shia Houthi rebels killed a military officer and six bodyguards in an attack at a checkpoint in Amran. Yemeni troops returned fire, killing three Houthi fighters.


The military killed seven al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Zinjibar. The governor of Abyan accused security services and political officials of turning the province over to AQAP.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula demanded the Yemeni government free its imprisoned members in exchange for 73 soldiers captured in Al Koud. AQAP claimed credit for the Al Koud raid, which killed 185 soldiers.


The Interior Ministry has deployed two units to Al Huta, the provincial capital of Lahj. The Yemeni Army is preparing to launch a “decisive battle” in Abyan with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.


Al Qaeda militants serious threat as Yemen transitions away from Saleh


The more than 60 Yemeni soldiers who were captured by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula yesterday have been taken to Jaar and are being forced to train AQAP fighters on heavy weaponry that was seized. Yemeni and US aircraft reportedly struck the AQAP camps.


AQAP overran a military base near Zinjibar and killed 185 troops and seized heavy weapons. AQAP claimed it captured more than 70 soldiers. Thirty-two AQAP fighters were reported to have been killed.