Tag Archives: Yemen


US drones killed eight civilians and seven al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in two strikes in Jaar. Seventeen AQAP fighters and three security personnel were killed in fighting in Lawdar. US troops are helping coordinate the Yemeni military offensive against AQAP.


Seven Yemeni soldiers and 16 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in airstrikes and fighting near the cities of Zinjibar, Lawdar, and Jaar. Yemeni officials said two Saudi fighters were killed during recent airstrikes in Marib. AQAP bombed an LNG pipeline in Shabwa.

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda leaders believed that British double agent in underwear bomb plot was from radical Islamic family


US drones killed 11 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters, including an Egyptian, in two strikes in Marib. Yemeni officials denied that US troops are in combat in southern Yemen.

Al Qaeda

British agent in underpants bomb plot had been working undercover ‘for up to a year’


Yemeni military officials claimed that eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leaders were killed in a “strike” in Jaar in Abyan. US trainers have arrived in Yemen. Senior officials said that the military is preparing to storm Zinjibar.


US drones killed eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike in Jaar. Yemeni aircraft killed five more AQAP fighters in Jaar, and 10 more in Zinjibar.


A Saudi double agent within al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula provided information on the latest underwear bomb plot and intelligence that led to the drone strike that killed Fahd al Quso. President Hadi refused an offer by Salafist clerics to mediate between AQAP and the government.


Yemeni officials are angry that the US did not inform the government of an airline plot hatched in the country. The US is sending military trainers back into Yemen.