Tag Archives: Yemen


President Hadi said the government is willing to negotiate with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula if the terror group disarms. AQAP reportedly has withdrawn the bulk of its forces from Aden and Abyan and is regrouping in Marib, Al Jawf, and Sa’ada.


An anti-al Qaeda militia detained four AQAP fighters in Jaar. A liquefied natural gas pipeline that feeds the Balhaf terminal was bombed.


“Gunmen” killed a colonel in the Political Security Office in an attack in the capital of Sana’a. Yemeni fighters are said to be among a number of foreign fighters battling the Assad regime in Syria.


The Political Security Office has again refused to prosecute al Qaeda suspects. Militiamen in Jaar arrested three suspected al Qaeda operatives. Houthis in Sana’a have painted hundreds of murals calling for “Death to America.”


A suicide bomber wounded the head of an anti-al Qaeda militia from Jaar in an attack in Aden; the militia leader and four bodyguards were wounded. Thirteen people were killed during clashes between Houthis and Sunni tribesmen in Amran.


The chief of security for Al Mahfad district in Abyan said that more than 400 Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters, including Saudis and Pakistanis, have regrouped there. AQAP uses their bases in Al Mahfad to launch attacks in Sana’a, Abyan, Hadramout, Shabwah, and Marib.


Yemeni security forces attack on French journalist caught on video


A Yemeni official said DNA tests show that Said al Shihri, the deputy emir of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, was not killed in a recent drone strike. AQAP urged Yemenis to kill Americans for the release of the video of the Prophet Mohammed.


Anti-American Protests Over Film Expand to More Than a Dozen Countries


Protesters stormed the US embassy in Sana’a, tore down the US flag, and chanted “death to America” and “death to Israel.” Yemen security forces did not prevent protesters from entering the embassy.


Post-embassy attack, Egyptian President Morsi’s silence deafening


Security forces detained three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Abyan. President Hadi fired the military intelligence and national security ministers after a suicide bomber nearly killed the defense minister.

Al Qaeda

In Yemen, tribal militias in a fierce battle with al-Qaeda wing


Seven security guards and five civilians were killed in a car bombing in Sana’a that targeted Defense Minister Major General Muhammad Nasir Ahmad. The defense minister was not hurt in the attack.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula deputy emir Said al Shihri is reported to have been killed in the Sept. 5 drone strike in Hadramout. A senior Sunni cleric denounced US drone strikes in Yemen. Security forces disrupted three car bomb plots in Sana’a, Aden, and Hadramout.

AQAP deputy emir reported killed in recent drone strike

Shihri-Inspire-1-thumb.JPGThe Yemeni military claimed that Said al Shihri, a former Guantanamo detainee and the current deputy emir of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, has been killed. The report has not been confirmed; Yemeni officials have claimed in the past that he has been killed and captured.


Security forces captured 28 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters during operations in Zinjibar and Jaar in Abyan province. Abdelrauf al Dhahab, a local al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader whose brothers took control of Rada’a earlier this year, was the target of the Sept. 2 strike that killed 13 civilians.


Security forces killed three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters after their convoy was ambushed in Shaqra. AQAP attempted to assassinate a commander of a pro-government tribal militia in Abyan; a bodyguard was killed in the attack.


Three foreign al Qaeda fighters were reportedly killed in yesterday’s drone strike in Hadramout province. The identities and home countries of those thought to have been killed was not disclosed.


US drones killed six “Islamist militants” in an airstrike in the eastern province of Hadramout. The Seyaj Organization for Childhood Protection, a Yemeni human rights group, condemned the US drone strikes.


“Gunmen” bombed a gas pipeline in Marib that fed the Belhaf terminal. International donors pledged $6.4 billion in aid for “development and stability.”


US drones accidentally killed 13 Yemeni civilians in the Sept. 2 airstrike in Rada’a. The drones targeted a car transporting al Qaeda fighters but missed the intended target.