Tag Archives: Yemen


Four tribesmen and four Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in Marib. An American photojournalist is said to have been kidnapped in Sana’a. The American ambassador denied reports of hundreds of US soldiers being deployed in Yemen.

Al Qaeda

Court document references al Qaeda-linked chemical weapons program in Somalia


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula confirmed that Kaid al Dhahab was killed in a US drone strike. AQAP killed two Yemeni soldiers in an ambush in Hadramout. Tribesmen bombed an oil pipeline in Marib.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down an intelligence officer in Hadramout. A court acquitted five Saudis of belonging to al Qaeda and plotting to attack Yemeni security forces, but convicted them of entering the country illegally.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down two senior intelligence officers, both colonels, in attacks in Al Qoton and Al Hota in Hadramout province. AQAP handed out machine guns and rifles as prizes in Ibb, Ad Dali, and Al Baydah provinces during Ramadan.


“Gunmen” killed an intelligence officer along the border with Saudi Arabian and a retired intelligence official in Lahj. Tribesmen blew up the country’s main oil pipeline in Marib province.


The government will prosecute five Saudi Arabian members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula on terrorism charges. The Southern Secessionist Movement is continuing to seek a break with the government.


Six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and two members of pro-government militias were killed during fighting in Lawdar in Abyan province and Yafaa in Lahj province. The AQAP fighters were attempting to retake control of Lawdar.


US drones killed Kaid al Dhahab, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s emir in the central province of Baydah, and two fighters in a strike on a vehicle. AQAP attempted to attack police forces in Jaar in Abyan province.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed a senior intelligence official and his son in an attack in Aden. Four more people were killed in a bombing at a market in Al Baydah.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed two soldiers and wounded six more in an attack in Shibam. Security forces detained six “wanted terrorists” in Taiz.


President Hadi defended the US’s use of drones in Yemen, and requested the US transfer technology to the country to pursue al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The United Kingdom and Germany have reopened their embassies after being shuttered for two weeks due to a threat from al Qaeda.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed Aden’s intelligence chief and his son in an ambush. The government apologized to Yemenis for military actions that in the past targeted southern separatists.

Al Qaeda

U.S. source: Code words in al Qaeda intercepts raised ‘great concern’


A Yemeni newspaper reported that Ibrahim al Asiri, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s master bombmaker, may have been wounded in the Aug. 10 drone strike in Lahj. Yemen’s spokesman in Washington denied al Asiri was wounded or killed.

Bloomberg News on Zawahiri’s communications

Bloomberg News reported that Ayman al Zawahiri communicated with “other regional terrorist commanders” as well as the head of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). Zawahiri’s communications are what led the US to shutter more than 20 diplomatic facilities.


US drones killed two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike in Lahj. AQAP fighters killed five soldiers in an attack at a checkpoint outside of the Balhaf liquefied natural gas export terminal in Hadramout province.


US drones killed six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives and two civilians in a pair of strikes in Hadramout province. Yemeni officials are denying that AQAP plotted to take over the city of Mukallah and two petroleum export facilities.