Tag Archives: Yemen


The Yemeni Air Force killed five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a series of air strikes in Al Mahfad area of Abyan province over the past three days. The area is a known stronghold for AQAP.

Al Qaeda

US holds talks about Yemen detention center for Guantanamo inmates


More than 58 people, including three today, were killed during clashes between Houthi rebels and Salafists in Dammaj in Saada province. The government has called for a ceasefire, and the International Red Cross said it has been denied access to Dammaj. An intelligence officer was wounded in a bombing in Aden.


At least 24 people were killed after Shia Houthi rebels attacked a Sunni Salafist town in Saada. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed two soldiers and a civilian in an attack on a checkpoint in Abyan.


The Minister of State resigned his position, citing dissatisfaction with the government’s efforts to maintain security. Authorities arrested seven government soldiers and officers in Al Baydah on suspicion of links to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. A recent video purportedly released by AQAP claimed partial control over the Al Baydah governorate. AQAP denied issuing […]


Shia Houthi rebels killed four people in an attack on a Sunni mosque in Damaj in the north. More than 4,000 “Salafists” are said to have gathered in Saada to battle the Houthis. The military captured an al Qaeda operative involved in the assassination of a military academy’s deputy director.


The Yemeni air force killed six unnamed “terrorists” in airstrikes in Wadi Mahfad in Abyan province. Three of those killed are said to be local al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commanders who were responsible for suicide attacks and bombings.


“Gunmen” on a motorcycle shot and killed a colonel in Yemeni intelligence in an attack on the streets of the capital of Sana’a. Saudi Arabia has suspended aid to Yemen “until the country settles down.”

Al Qaeda

The Effectiveness Of Drone Strikes In Counterinsurgency And Counterterrorism Campaigns


More than 300 members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula attempted to break out of a prison in Sana’a. Guards at the outer perimeter opened fired on the prisoners before they could escape.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed five Yemeni soldiers and wounded 15 more in a suicide assault that targeted a base in Ahwar in Abyan province. The Yemeni military repelled another assault on a base in Al Baydah province.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released a video that detailed the Sept. 20 suicide assaults that targeted three military camps in Shabwa. AQAP gunned down a police officer in Hadramout; two security guards were shot and killed in Lahj on Oct. 15.


Documents reveal NSA’s extensive involvement in targeted killing program


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber seriously wounded three people in an attack in the Al Askariya district in Lahj province. The three wounded Yemenis were members of the Southern Movement, a group in the South that seeks independence from the country.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down a colonel in Yemeni intelligence in Mukallah. Tribesmen in Marib province cut off the power to the capital of Sana’a yesterday by attacking an electrical tower.


“Gunmen” killed a German embassy guard and kidnapped a UNICEF worker in separate incidents in the capital of Sana’a. The United Nations warned its staff in Sana’a to remain home after the attacks in Sana’a.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed a Yemeni special forces colonel in an attack in Aden. The Yemeni military wrongly arrested a customs officer who they claimed was AQAP’s emir in Ghail Bawazir in Hadramout.


Yemeni military and police forces retook a military headquarters in Mukallah that was overrun by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula on Sept. 29. Ten soldiers and an undisclosed number of AQAP fighters were killed.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed four Yemeni soldiers in Hadramout and gunned down a military colonel in Taiz on Monday. A court sentenced five AQAP operatives to terms in prison of between two to 10 years for their involvement in last year’s suicide bombing in Sana’a that killed 86 soldiers.


A platoon of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters overran a military headquarters in Mukallah, killing and capturing several Yemeni soldiers. Yemeni special forces retook the base, killing and capturing several AQAP fighters.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters are suspected of gunning down a man thought to be a homosexual in Huta in Lahj province. Twenty people were wounded yesterday in a pair of bombings in the capital of Sana’a.


A suicide bomber killed a Yemeni intelligence officer in an attack at a market in the city of Ataq in Shabwa province. He is the second intelligence officer to be assassinated by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in two days.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down a colonel in the Yemeni military in Sana’a. A court sentenced an al Qaeda fighter to three years of house arrest for his role in fighting alongside al Qaeda in Abyan province.