Tag Archives: Yemen


Yemeni officials deride hypocrisy of al-Qaeda ‘lone wolf’ claim


“Gunmen” killed three soldiers and wounded four more in a shooting in Hadramout, and killed a tribal leader in Baydah. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula said one of its fighters was wrong for attacking a hospital during the assault on the Ministry of Defense.


Yemeni officials said that the Dec. 12 US drone strike that reportedly killed 15 civilians targeted Shawqi Ali Ahmad al Badani, a wanted mid-level leader in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander. Al Badani is said to be linked to the al Qaeda plot that resulted in the shut of US embassies and diplomatic […]


Yemen’s parliament passed a non-binding bill to ban US drone strikes inside the country. A Japanese diplomat was stabbed during a failed kidnapping attempt in the capital of Sana’a.


US drones are reported to have accidentally killed 15 civilians in a strike on a wedding party in Rada’a in Baydah province. Al Qaeda fighters are said to have been traveling in the convoy. Yesterday the UN said it would shut down its offices today in Sana’a due to an unspecified security threat.


A Dutch journalist and her partner who were kidnapped in June have been freed. It is unclear if a ransom has been paid to secure their release. The group holding them had threatened to kill the hostages if its demands were not met.


The US killed three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike on a vehicle in Hadramout province. Yemeni tribesmen reportedly attacked Saudi troops along the border.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters assassinated a brigadier general in charge of the presidential compound in Taiz and a colonel in Al Baydah. Gunmen fired on the secretary general of the Yemen Socialist Party from a mosque in Sana’a.


The Yemeni military said that 12 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters, including Saudis, who were involved in yesterday’s suicide assault on the Ministry of Defense were killed. AQAP said it targeted a US drone operations center during the attack.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed 52 people in a suicide assault that targeted and breached the Ministry of Defense in Sana’a. Two German and two Vietnamese doctors, and one Indian and two Filipino nurses were among those killed in the attack.

AQAP launches suicide assault on Yemeni defense ministry complex

A suicide bomber created a breach in the outer wall of the Ministry of Defense, and a team of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters stormed several buildings. A Western doctor and a Filipina nurse are said to have been executed during the assault that resulted in the deaths of at least 20 people.


British intelligence officials believe al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula bomb makers continue to develop bombs that can evade airport security measures. Three soldiers and a protester were killed as tribesmen blocked oil trucks in Shabwa province.


Six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and three soldiers were killed during a clash in Hadramout. The AQAP fighters attacked a military checkpoint in the city of Sayoun.


Fighting between Houthis and Salafists in Damaj resulted in the deaths of more than 120 people. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula executed a senior military officer and his son in Al Qatan in Hadramout province.


Suspected al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters gunned down two Belarussian military instructors who advised the president’s security personnel in Sana’a. The widow of AQAP’s slain deputy emir and a Saudi AQAP operative known as Arwa al Baghdadi were reportedly detained in Hadramout.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed three policemen during an attack on a checkpoint in Seyoun. President Hadi said al Qaeda has been degraded militarily over the past year.


“Gunmen” in Sana’a assassinated a member of parliament who represented Shia Houthi rebels in the north. The United Nations’ representative was targeted for assassination in the capital. Two soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Saada.


Three policemen and three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in a clash in the city of Shahr in Hadramout province. Another report indicated that four soldiers were killed during the clash in Shahr, and female AQAP fighters thought to be from Saudi Arabia were detained.


US drones killed three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in an airstrike on a car in the Ghayl Bawazir area near Mukallah, the provincial capital of Hadramout. The strike is the first in more than seven weeks. President Hadi indicated that he will seek a second term as president.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed eight policemen in an ambush near a checkpoint outside of the liquefied natural gas terminal in Balhaf. China is planning to build power plants and improve ports in Yemen.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula vowed to back Salafists in the north who are battling Shia Houthi rebels, who are supported by Iran. A government-brokered cease fire between the Houthis and Salafists collapsed just one day after it was signed.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula offered its condolences for the death of Hakeemullah Mehsud, the former emir of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan. Five people were killed and seven more were wounded in a grenade attack in Damar.


The government has begun the trial of a cell of eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters who plotted to kill President Hadi. Fighting between Salafists and Houthis has resumed in Dammaj in Sadda province.