Tag Archives: Yemen


Yemeni government reaches agreement with Shia Houthi rebels


Officials reported that 25 people were killed as tribesmen linked to the Muslim Brotherhood clashed with Houthi rebels in Al Jawf. Security officials said that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is moving operatives into the capital of Sana’a as part of an effort to exploit the Houthi crisis.


Five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters, including a Saudi and an individual who shares the nom de guerre of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s emir for Mahfad, are reported to have been killed in the first drone strike since mid-August. Seven civilians were killed in bombings in Amran.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed two soldiers and wounded seven more in a suicide attack and assault on a checkpoint in Hadramout province. Police opened fire on Houthi protesters and killed seven of them after they attempted to storm government buildings in the capital of Sana’a.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bombers killed six soldiers in two separate attacks in Shabwa province. AQAP executed three “spies” who were accused of providing information for US drone strikes. Twenty-one people were killed as Houthi rebels and pro-government tribal forces clashed outside Sana’a.


A general was killed in a bombing that targeted his car in Aden. Three soldiers were killed in an IED attack on their convoy in Hadramout. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is accused of having executed both attacks.


The Yemeni military deployed armored vehicles and troops in the capital of Sana’a after thousands of Houthis launched a protest to force the resignation of the government. The Yemeni government paid out more than $1 million to compensate innocent victims of US drone strikes.


Six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and three Yemeni soldiers were killed during raids and clashes in Qatn in Hadramout province. The US killed three AQAP fighters in a drone strike along the border with Saudi Arabia in Hadramout.


Three security personnel and two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during fighting in Hadramout. Ansar al Shariah, AQAP’s political front, expressed “solidarity” with the Islamic State after the US launched airstrikes. An aide to former president Salih said the plot to kill the erstwhile leader was foiled.


Twenty people were killed as Houthi rebels clashed with government forces and tribe in Al Jawf in northern Yemen. Three Yemeni explosives experts and 10 civilians were killed in a bombing in Lahj.

AQAP bomb kills 13 in Lahj

Thirteen people were reported killed today in Yemen’s southern Lahj province as an IED believed to have been planted by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula was being defused.


Yesterday, US drones killed three suspected al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike in the Wadi Abida area of Marib. AQAP launched attacks against government buildings in Lahj; an intelligence official was gunned down in Huta.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters kidnapped 14 soldiers who were traveling on a bus from Hadramout to Sana’a, and executed them. The military sent reinforcements to the town of Qatn in Hadramout after heavy fighting in the area. AQAP threatened to “punish” prosecuters and other legal officials who rule against the group.


The Yemeni military said it killed 25 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters over the pst two days while battling to protect the city of Seyoun in Hadramout province. Yesterday, AQAP fighters killed five soldiers in an ambush in Habban in Shabwa province.


A Yemeni military official claimed that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is in effective control of the eastern province of Hadramout. “Local authorities in Hadramout are non-existent and Al Qaeda is running it.” A senior general denied the report.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed six soldiers and wounded three more during an ambush on a military patrol in Qatan in Hadramout province. On Aug. 2, the military announced a ceasefire with Houthi rebels in Al Jawf province.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters gunned down four policemen at a checkpoint in Ataq, the provincial capital of Shabwa in southern Yemen. Three civilians were killed as the military and tribes clashed in Marib province in central Yemen. Tribesmen were attempting to stop engineers from repairing pipeline that was sabotaged.