Tag Archives: United Kingdom

United Kingdom

A man appearing in a recent ISIS recruiting video has been identified as Raqib, a Bangladeshi from Aberdeen. Police, intelligence, and local Muslim communities have said that there is a problem of Islamic radicalization in Cardiff, the city where the other two jihadists in the video came from. Labour MP Khalid Mahmood claimed that as […]


Jermaine Grant trial: ‘Warning text’ in Kenya bomb plot

United Kingdom

An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham recruitment video surfaced, featuring three Britons and two Australians calling for Westerners to come to Iraq and Syria for jihad; UK counterterrorism officials were working to get the video taken offline. MI5 has now made tracking British jihadists in Syria its top priority. The counterterrorism chief for […]


ISIS storms Saddam-era chemical weapons complex in Iraq


US should launch targeted military strikes on ‘terrorist army’ ISIS, says General David Petraeus

United Kingdom

Parliament banned the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham (ISIS), along with four other groups also linked to the crisis in Syria and Iraq: Abdullah Azzam Brigades, including the Ziyad al-Jarrah Battalions (AAB/ZJB); Kateeba al-Kawthar (KaK); Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC); and Turkiye Halk Kurtulus Partisi-Cephesi (THKP-C). Security […]

United Kingdom

Prime Minister Cameron warned that the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham threatens not only the Middle East but is also planning attacks on the UK. The ISIS is estimated to have up to 500 fighters from the UK. The government said it has arrested 65 people in the past 18 months for Syria-related terrorism […]


Cameron says foreign fighters in Iraq, Syria most serious threat to UK

United Kingdom

The trial of two suspected terrorists, Erol Incedal, a British national of Turkish origin, and Mounir Rarmoul-Bouhadjar, a British national of Algerian origin, who are both 26 and from London, was delayed until October. The Court of Appeal recently blocked the government’s attempt to hold the first completely secret criminal trial, ruling that while the […]

United Kingdom

Senior UK Shia cleric Fadhil al-Milani urged British Muslims not to fly to Iraq to fight the forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, but still to offer “every assistance” to those in Iraq who are fighting the ISIS. The Foreign Office has advised Britons to avoid non-essential travel to Iraq except […]


Iraq crisis: despite decapitations and deaths thousands return willingly to city held by ISIS terrorists

United Kingdom

Six Birmingham men who had plotted to attack an English Defence League rally in 2012 with bombs, knives, and sawn-off shotguns and were sentenced to jail terms of up to 19 years, with five years of their terms “on licence,” or not in custody, lost their appeal for shorter sentences. The Home Secretary authorized the […]

United Kingdom

An investigative report by Ofsted on 21 Birmingham schools found they suffered from an “organised campaign to target certain schools” for Islamist indoctrination, and that “[a] culture of fear and intimidation has taken grip” in them. Ofsted chief Wilshaw called some of the findings “shocking” and said five of the schools would be placed under […]

United Kingdom

Trojan horse report: All school children to be taught British values from September, says UK Education Secretary

United Kingdom

Ibrahim Hassan, a.k.a. Abu Nusaybah, and Shah Hussain, both of London, were sentenced to jail terms of three years each for disseminating terrorist material and encouraging terrorism. The two men, who pled guilty in March, had both been convicted in 2008 of encouraging terrorist activity overseas. Hassan is an associate of Lee Rigby murderer Michael […]


Sudan denies plans to free woman sentenced to death for apostasy

Boko Haram

US ‘only’ country helping to find Nigerian schoolgirls, claims John Kerry

United Kingdom

Mashudur Choudhury, a youth worker from Portsmouth, has become the first Briton convicted of a terrorism offense for traveling to Syria to join terrorists fighting there. He and four other men had gone to Syria at the urging of Iftekhar Jaman, who was later killed while fighting for the Islamic State of Iraq and the […]

United Kingdom

Nawal Masaad, of Holloway, and Amal El-Wahabi, northwest London, were accused of seeking to finance terrorism. Masaad had tried to smuggle €20,000 (£16,300) in her underwear through Heathrow airport on her way to Istanbul, where she was allegedly planning to meet with El-Wahabi’s husband, a jihadist in Syria. The Foreign Office summoned Sudan’s charge d’affaires […]


“Friends of Syria” London meeting agrees to increase support for Syrian opposition