Tag Archives: United Kingdom

United Kingdom

British intelligence believes there are over 2,000 potential “British-based Islamic terrorists plotting suicide attacks against ‘soft’ targets” inside the country, and the nation should prepare for the possibility of suicide attacks.

United Kingdom

The UK prepares for the worst. MI5 and police conducted exercises to deal with a “Beslan-like siege.” al Qaeda has ordered cells to conduct a wave of beheadings in the country, which has prompted the deployment of an SAS battalion to London. The Joint Support Group is working to break terror cells in Iraq.

United Kingdom

(UK) Police praise Muslim soldiers who acted as ‘bait’ for beheading gang

United Kingdom

British police arrested 9 suspects in a terrorism plot which “involved abducting, videotaping and executing… a Muslim soldier in the British army.” The Telegraph said the beheading would have been broadcast live over the Internet. The soldier “has been placed under protective custody.”

United Kingdom

(UK) More than a third of young Muslims want Sharia law – Political Islam inspires a growing minority

United Kingdom

London’s Counter Terrorism Command and local police officers arrested five men in northern England under security laws in two separate operations on Tuesday. They are suspected of assisting terrorists with logistical work and “terrorist support and facilitation.” Home Secretary John Reid has suggested the Home Office be split, with a security department focused on anti-terrorism […]

United Kingdom

UK prosecutors displayed a tape of a bomb device misfiring in a crowded Underground train during the trial of six men involved in the failed attack. A terrorism suspect on a control order absconded. Turkey is questioning an al Qaeda prisoner about Kenneth Bigley’s death.