Tag Archives: United Kingdom


MoD to pull troops out of Iraq within a year

United Kingdom

Three terrorism suspects held under “control orders” – which allows them to be electronically tagged and remain out of jail, have disappeared. “A quarter of those subject to the controversial orders [5 of 20] — imposed on suspects who are not charged with a crime — are now missing,” Reuters reports.

United Kingdom

Police arrested 4 more Muslim suspects in the 7/7 London Tubes bombings, including the widow of terrorist Mohammed Sidique Khan. Police believe the 4 are involved in the “commission, preparation, or instigation of acts of terrorism.” A London chef detained then released from Guantanamo Bay will now face charges in his native country of Morocco.

United Kingdom

Five British Muslims were convicted of plotting terrorist strikes throughout the country, and sentenced to life. The men “were charged with planning to use homemade fertilizer bombs on targets including London nightclubs, trains, and the gas and power network.” Some had links to senior al Qaeda leaders and trained in Pakistan. – The plotters. The […]

United Kingdom

Alive and Well and Living in London – Why won’t Britain extradite Islamic extremists?

Al Qaeda

Terrorist 007 ‘was internet propagandist for al Qaeda™

United Kingdom

London police arrested six terror suspects during raids in London and Luton. Among those arrested was Abu Izzadeen (aka Omar Brooks), who heckled Home Secretary John Reid. Izzadeen has been “linked to radical Islamic group al-Ghurabaa, an offshoot of al-Muhajiroun,” which was founded by Omar Bakri Mohammed.

United Kingdom

Britain is forming an “inter-departmental group” which “will bring together research, information and communications units to generate material to rebut extremist ideology aimed at the media.” The group is directed at al Qaeda use of the Internet and “new media.”


Thank God our servicemen are free, but make no mistake, this has been a humiliation for Britain

United Kingdom

British police arrested 3 men in connection to the 7/7 London Tubes bombing attacks. Two of the men were arrested at Manchester airport, preparing to travel to Pakistan, and a third man was arrested in Leeds.