Tag Archives: United Kingdom

United Kingdom

British ambassador Peter Westmacott warned that among the 70 UK jihadists arrested after returning to Britain, a number were carrying “very specific” instructions for terrorist missions in the UK. British intelligence is coming close to identifying the Islamic State jihadist who beheaded American journalist James Foley; among those being investigated is UK rapper-turned-jihadist Abdel Majed […]

United Kingdom

Lord Dannatt, the former Chief of General Staff, said the UK must work with Bashar al Assad to defeat the Islamic State. Defense Secretary Hammond disagreed, saying it would not be “practical, sensible or helpful.” The head of Parliament’s intelligence committee observed that sometimes you have work with nasty people to get rid of even […]


Foley Abduction Linked to British Jihadi Kidnapping Ring


French ex-hostage of ISIL ‘knows’ James Foley’s killer


Leaders Express Outrage as Britain Tries to Identify Beheaded Journalist’s Killer

United Kingdom

The Islamic State militant shown beheading US journalist James Foley in a recent IS propaganda video is said to be a Londoner called “John” who guards IS’ Western hostages in Raqqah, Syria; UK authorities are working with the FBI in tracking him down and have asked Londoners to help identify him. Khadijah Dare, 22, a […]

United Kingdom

Foreign Secretary Hammond said the Islamic State jihadist whose videotaped murder of US journalist James Foley was published yesterday appears to be British, and warned that “there are a significant number of British nationals in Syria and Iraq operating with extremist organisations” and accordingly the Islamic State presents “a direct threat to the UK’s national […]

United Kingdom

Defense Secretary Fallon said the RAF’s efforts in Iraq against the Islamic State could last weeks or months, as it “is not simply a humanitarian mission,” but vowed that the British Army would not have boots on the ground in Iraq. Prime Minister Cameron issued a statement on Aug. 16 asserting that the fight against […]


UK prime minister: Our generational struggle against a poisonous ideology


Iraq crisis: Philip Hammond says UK would consider arming Kurds


British ‘jihadist’ describes his plan to go to Iraq or Syria to fight


Kenya police say trail gone cold in ‘white widow’ hunt

United Kingdom

Scotland Yard chief Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said about half of the estimated 500 British jihadists in Syria and Iraq are from London, and warned that the task of addressing the threat posed by their return to the UK should not be underestimated. UK jihadist Nasser Muthana, an Islamic State fighter, posted photos of IEDs he […]


ISIS persecution of Iraqi Christians has become genocide, say religious leaders