Tag Archives: United Kingdom

Al Qaeda

British Police Tracking 2000 Suspected of Plotting Terrorism

United Kingdom

Britain has reduced the threat level from critical to severe. One of the two Glasgow bombers left a suicide note behind.

United Kingdom

Several doctors arrested over the London and Glasgow car bomb plot were on the files of MI5. A British cleric said an unnamed al Qaeda leader told him about upcoming plots in England during a religious reconciliation meeting in Amman, Jordan. Scotland Yard sent a detective to Australia investigate an arrested Indian doctor.

United Kingdom

Police arrested Dr. Bilal Abdulla, an Iraqi, and Dr. Mohammed Asha, a Jordanian, in suspicion of being involved with the Glasgow airport car bomb attack. Eight suspects have been arrested so far in the failed Glasgow and London attacks. The Glasgow car bomb was designed to kill hundreds.

United Kingdom

Police are conducting a manhunt for suspects in the three car bomb attempts in London and Glasgow. The failed attacks have left behind plenty of clues. The closed circuit TV footage in London is being used to identify potential suspects.

United Kingdom

Glasgow Airport was attacked by “Asian” men driving jeep that was on fire and contained gas canisters. The jeep rammed the main entrance. The airport has been shut down, and two suspects have been arrested.

United Kingdom

Police are hunting Bestun Salim, an al Qaeda recruiting sergeant, for his suspected involvement in the failed double car bomb plot in London. Salim, an Iraq asylum seeker, absconded his “control order” which placed him under house arrest. He is the seventh person to break the control order.

United Kingdom

London police found and disarmed a car bomb — consisting of 50 gallons of fuel, possibly linked to a triggering device — in the busy Haymarket section. A witness indicated the driver crashed the car into a dumpster, then fled.


Secret SAS mission to Somalia uncovers British terror cells

United Kingdom

An al Qaeda “recruiting sergeant” has gone missing from the “control orders” program which allows accused terrorists to remain out of jail. The unnamed operative is the seventh suspect to flee the program since its inception.