Tag Archives: United Kingdom

United Kingdom

The upper house of the British parliament ruled that Abu Qatada can be deported back to Jordan where he faces jail for terrorism charges. Qatada is considered the spiritual leader of al Qaeda in Europe and is thought to sit on the terror group’s committee that passes religious edicts.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan-based Al Qaeda may strike on UK: Director MI5

United Kingdom

A British court convicted Bilal Abdulla for his role as the leader of a terror cell that attacked a nightclub and the Glasgow airport. Abdulla, an Iraqi who worked as a a doctor in Britain, directed the attacks. He is a member of al Qaeda in Iraq and was selected to lead the cell because […]

United Kingdom

Britain has re-arrested Abu Qatada for attempting to flee the country. Qatada is known as Osama bin Laden’s ambassador to Europe and has been linked to the Sept. 11 attacks. He was released on bail in June after a court decided he could not be deported to Jordan.

United Kingdom

An intelligence report stated there are “extremist concentrations” in “London, Birmingham, with significant extremist networks in the South East, notably Luton.” Thousands of jihads are supporting terror attacks inside the UK and abroad. “The majority of extremists are British nationals of south Asian, mainly Pakistani origin but there are also extremists from north and east […]


Former British Army Interpreter Convicted of Spying for Iran

United Kingdom

Convicted British terrorist had links to accused in Toronto 18 case: U.K. court documents

United Kingdom

‘Al Qaeda’ terrorists who brainwashed Exeter suicide bomber still on the run