Tag Archives: United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Twenty Muslims convicted on terrorism charges have been released from jail and are staying in bail hostels that normally house felons. The terrorists were convicted of financing, recruiting, and providing logistical support for jihadis waging wars overseas. The terrorists were released halfway through their prison terms.

United Kingdom

Police detained 32 men during raids in London for plotting to attack mosques throughout the country. The men belong to the British National Party and are said to have been in possession of rocket propelled grenades, hand grenades, and explosives.

Al Qaeda

July 7 leader Sidique Khan encountered security services 10 times before bombings

United Kingdom

Abu Izzadeen, a radical Islamist preacher who was jailed for threatening to behead Muslim soldiers in the British Army, was released from prison after serving three-and-a-half years. Izzadeen and other radical Islamists in jail have had their sentences reduced by the Court of Appeal.

United Kingdom

The Kingston Crown Court found three Muslim men not guilty of conspiring with the 7/7 London Tubes bombers. All three men admitted to knowing the bombers. Two of the men were found guilty of plotting to attend a terrorist training camp in Pakistan.

United Kingdom

The 11 Pakistani men and one British man detained in raids after a senior police official was photographed with classified material have been released without charge. The government will attempt to deport the Pakistanis “on grounds of national security,” according to a statement by the Home Office.

Al Qaeda operative Rashid Rauf survived US strike

Intelligence officials claimed Rauf was killed in a Nov. 2008 Predator strike in North Waziristan. Rauf is now thought to have directed the failed plots to attack major European cities, including bombings in England during Easter Weekend.

United Kingdom

Hundreds of counterterrorism police detained 12 men in northwestern England. Ten of the men are Pakistani nationals in the country on student visas. The raids were carried out after a sensitive document hand-carried by a senior official had been photographed and published.