Tag Archives: United Kingdom


UK – “Unreconstructed” cold war enemies launch a cyber attack every day

Al Qaeda

Pakistan Prime Minister at odds with Gordon Brown over Afghanistan


Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed alMegrahi linked to Libya™s chemical weapons

United Kingdom

Senior British judges have ruled that unduly long sentences for terrorists are “likely to inflame rather than deter extremism.” The rule has sparked the early release of some convicted terrorists, while 25 of 26 terrorists have had their sentences reduced.

United Kingdom

United Kingdom – Army chief warns of ‘terrifying prospect’ of failure in Afghanistan

United Kingdom

A court found three British Muslims guilty of “conspiracy to murder by the detonation of improvised explosive devices on trans-Atlantic aircraft.” Abdullah Ahmed Ali, Assad Sarwar, and Tanwir Hussain were involved in the liquid explosives plot that was planned by al Qaeda operative Rashid Rauf.

United Kingdom

Revealed: Libya paid for medical advice that helped Lockerbie bomber’s release