Tag Archives: United Kingdom


Afghanistan – Taleban seize Shah Karez, home of the British-backed Mullah Abdul Salaam

Al Qaeda

United Kingdom – ‘Secret’ government unit finds Muslims can sympathise with terrorists

Al Qaeda

United Kingdom – Secret tribunal appeal for cousin of trans-Atlantic airlines bomber

United Kingdom

Muslim gangs are imposing sharia and forcefully recruiting members at the high-security Long Lartin jail. Prisoners reportedly watch al Qaeda videos, smuggled in by prison guards, on TVs in their cells. Some leaders are convicted terrorists.

Al Qaeda

British official urges Afghanistan to negotiate with Taliban, other insurgents

United Kingdom

Prosecutors charged Rajib Karim with preparing an act of terrorism and providing assistance to others to conduct terrorist acts overseas, likely in Yemen. Karim works at a call center for British Airways and had access to information on flight bookings.

Al Qaeda

Suicide bombers ‘unIslamic’ and going to Hell, says leading cleric