Tag Archives: United Kingdom


Bombay Stock Exchange unveils its new Sharia law share index

United Kingdom

A court charged nine Muslim men for conspiring to carry out terror attacks in the United Kingdom. Twelve men were detained on Dec. 20 during raids in Birmingham, London, Cardiff, and Stoke-on-Trent; three others detained during the raids have been released.

Al Qaeda

Yemen to crack down on regional al-Qaeda wing with special forces deployed to provinces


US Lockerbie report: Scotland pressured to free Megrahi


Afghanistan – British troops will hunt Taliban’s winter hideouts, says senior officer

United Kingdom

Police arrested 12 Islamists suspected of plotting to carry out bombings during the Christmas season. The early morning raids took place in Birmingham, Cardiff, London and Stoke-on-Trent. Several of the men are from Bangladesh.

Al Qaeda

Printer bomb plot: police unwittingly considered transporting live device


Stockholm bomber: police fear accomplice is on the loose

‘White’ Britons reported killed in North Waziristan strike

From The Telegraph, via Channel Four News, comes this report that two “white” Britons were killed in the Dec. 10 Predator strike in the village of Khadar Khel in the Datta Khel area of South Waziristan: A pair of white British Muslim converts who joined al-Qaeda have been killed in a drone attack in a […]

United Kingdom

A court was told that Abid Naseer, a Pakistani citizen, planned to carry out a bombing in Manchester in April 2009 as part of al Qaeda’s plot to carry out attacks in Europe and the US. The US is seeking the extradition of Naseer for his involvement with al Qaeda.


Analysis: Conviction grows Sweden bomber had help

Al Qaeda

Stockholm bomber: police hunt accomplices after ‘mystery cough’ on tape

Stockholm suicide bomber trained for jihad for 4 years

While this seemed painfully obvious the day of the attack, it now appears certain that Taimour Abdulwahab, the Stockholm man who attempted to detonate the car bomb and then a vest in the city, died from that most horrible affliction known to suicide bombers: premature detonation. And via The New York Times, we learn that […]