Tag Archives: United Kingdom

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda ‘will free British hostage’ if Abu Qatada can go where he wants

United Kingdom

The military plans to install missile batteries in London to defend the Olympic Games from terrorist attacks. Plans also call for 13,500 soldiers to assist police during the Games, considerably more than the 9,500 British soldiers serving in Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda

Islamists in Enemy Territory: The Missionary Zeal of Germany’s Salafists


Pakistan – Hafeez Shaikh caps off ‘successful’ US tour securing promises of aid, loans

United Kingdom

Three terror suspects arrested at Heathrow airport two days ago were freed on bail under conditions. Scotland Yard is concerned for the safety of convicted terrorist Saajid Muhammad Badat, who has testified in numerous cases against al Qaeda operatives.

United Kingdom

In a pre-planned operation, counterterrorism officials arrested three men, aged 33-39, at Heathrow airport who were returning from Oman. The men, who are suspected of possessing materials intended “for terrorist purposes overseas,” are residents of Birmingham.

United Kingdom

Radical Islamist cleric Abu Qatada filed an immediate appeal to the European Court of Human Rights against the deportation order issued yesterday by the UK, delaying his possible deportation. He contends the UK erred in deciding he would be treated fairly by Jordan if he were to be deported there.

United Kingdom

The government chose not to appeal the European Court of Human Rights ruling that blocked the deportation of Islamist cleric Abu Qatada to Jordan. Home Secretary May said the deportation process would be resumed, however, as Jordan has assured her he will be treated fairly there. Authorities arrested Qatada today, but appeals against his deportation […]

United Kingdom

The Labour party suspended life peer Lord Ahmed for allegedly saying he would offer a bounty on President Obama and former President George W. Bush in retaliation for the US bounty on Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed. Shabaab echoed al Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq in warning Britain not to deport Abu Qatada to […]


Australia-Afghan Strategic Agreement Drafted for NATO Summit

United Kingdom

The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Britain can extradite notorious jihadist preacher Abu Hamza and four other suspected terrorists to the US for trial. Hamza has been charged with supporting al Qaeda and involvement in a fatal kidnapping. He and the other suspects – Babar Ahmad, Syed Tahla Ahsan, Adel Abdul Bary, and […]


US Defines Its Demands for New Round of Talks With Iran


American intelligence agencies spooked by Britain’s open courts

United Kingdom

Mohammed Shabir Ali, of east London, was arrested two days ago and charged with terrorism offenses including attending to assist in an act of terrorism, and possession of a document by al Qaeda ideologue Anwar al Awlaki. Two other men and a woman, all from London and arrested the same day as Ali, remain in […]


‘Dictatorship is coming back to the Maldives and democracy is slipping away’


Ransom payments and terror: how freeing hostages helped a Taliban leader who threatens the UK