Tag Archives: United Kingdom


UK may keep troops in Afghanistan post-2014 to fight terrorism

United Kingdom

Extremist cleric Abu Qatada, whom Britain has been trying to deport to Jordan for the past 10 years, is seeking freedom on bail. A judge said that if the deportation process drags on much longer, Qatada will be released to house arrest.

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda leaders believed that British double agent in underwear bomb plot was from radical Islamic family


Our war legacy to Afghans: £1bn of military vehicles will be given to national army when British troops pull out

Al Qaeda

British agent in underpants bomb plot had been working undercover ‘for up to a year’

United Kingdom

The European Court of Human Rights denied the appeal of radical Islamist cleric Abu Qatada against the UK’s deportation order. The UK has been seeking to send him to Jordan since his arrest in 2002.

United Kingdom

Authorities filed terrorism charges against Adrian Wall, 47; Liiban Nursharif, 30; and Daud Ali, 40, who were arrested with four others all believed to be part of a khat-smuggling operation that funded terrorism. Ali was also charged for having a fake Norwegian passport. The four other suspects remain in custody.

United Kingdom

Scotland Yard arrested seven people suspected of involvement in a network that smuggles khat to the US and Canada; the network’s proceeds are thought to be used to fund terror activities in Somalia. In a separate case, a Birmingham man, Kamran Ahmed, 21, was charged with possessing documents useful for preparing acts of terrorism.