Tag Archives: United Kingdom


United Kingdom – Theresa May should relax border checks, says Keith Vaz

Al Qaeda

Tony Blair: ‘The West is asleep on the issue of Islamist extremism’

United Kingdom

Shasta Khan, a thrice-married hairdresser, was jailed for eight years for her role in planning terror attacks on Jewish targets in Manchester. Her husband, Mohammed Sajid Kahn, pled guilty to related charges and must serve at least seven and a half years before he can be considered for parole.

United Kingdom

Imran Mahmood, Jahangir Alom, and Muslim convert Richard Dart were charged with terror offenses involving travel to Pakistan for training. Javed Baqa and Ruksana Begum, a woman, were charged with possession of material useful for terrorism.

United Kingdom

Olympic security farce: now MI5 sacks systems experts after anti-terror supercomputer collapse

United Kingdom

Sir John Sawers, the head of MI6, said that the UK agency had thwarted Iran’s attempt to develop a nuclear weapon, by means of covert operations beginning in 2008. He predicted that Iran would have nuclear weapons capability by 2014.

United Kingdom

The UK military, which is already providing 13,500 troops for security services during the Olympic Games, has been asked to provide an additional 3,500 troops. Ministers fear that the private security company contracted for the event will not have sufficient staff. Organizers have realized that initial security estimates were inadequate.

United Kingdom

Some east Londoners lost their bid to block the siting of missile defenses nearby during the Olympics. Authorities have accused three terror suspects of planning to attack an English Defense League march; three more suspects in the investigation were arrested today.

United Kingdom

The UK’s terror law watchdog said police may be intervening earlier in “marginal” cases due to the upcoming Olympic Games. A woman arrested yesterday in an antiterror operation was released. A suspected al Qaeda member passed through the Olympics site five times in recent months.

United Kingdom

A woman from east London was arrested in an ongoing counterterrorism operation. An improvised explosive device was found in an impounded car involved in the operation. Two other suspects are believed to be brothers of a man awaiting trial in the UK on terror charges.

United Kingdom

Police arrested seven men linked to a vehicle impounded in South Yorkshire that contained “firearms, offensive weapons and other material.” The men, six of whom are from the Birmingham area, are suspected of terrorism. They are believed to be British Pakistanis.