Tag Archives: United Kingdom


Malala attack: ‘Uninformed’ comments land Lord Ahmed in hot water

United Kingdom

The Foreign Office warned of a “high” risk of terror attacks by al Qaeda against Westerners in Egypt, particularly in the north Sinai. MI5 has noted the emergence of a new generation of terrorists after the Arab Spring, especially in Egypt and Libya. The High Court temporarily banned the transfer of Afghan insurgents from British […]

United Kingdom

The Supreme Court rejected a bid by suspected al Qaeda operative Yunus Rahmatullah to force the UK to secure his release from Bagram prison, where he has been held since 2004. His lawyers contend his detention violated the Geneva Conventions.


Saddam Hussein gave £840,000 fortune to family of British father murdered in Alps massacre


AFP: UK man to strike US plea deal in Iran missiles case


Malala Yousafzai: Still defiant, girl shot by Taliban is walking, talking – and studying

United Kingdom

The government rejected US requests to use UK bases in the Gulf for a military buildup. The prime minister’s spokesperson said military action against Iran was not “the right course of action at this moment.”

United Kingdom

Six of of 12 British Muslims from Birmingham arrested last year on terror charges have pled guilty. The three senior members of the homegrown jihadist cell, which raised funds for terrorism through a fake Muslim charity, sent jihadists to Pakistan for training, and plotted an al Qaeda-inspired attack that was to be “another 9/11,” have […]

United Kingdom

Authorities identified a Bangladeshi resident of London as the leader of a group of British jihadists seeking to fight in Syria. Scotland Yard has seized computers and mobile phones from members of the group, which consists mainly of Londoners and includes seasoned Chechen fighters. The Security Minister said UK agencies must prepare for the increasing […]

United Kingdom

A crowd of 10,000 Muslim protesters, organized by some 800 imams from across the UK, gathered outside Google’s offices in London to protest the “Innocence of Muslims” film on YouTube. A million-strong march is also planned for Hyde Park. Five of nine Royal Marines arrested over an incident involving a wounded insurgent in Afghanistan’s Helmand […]

United Kingdom

Seven Royal Marines from a commando brigade have been charged with murder relating to an incident in Helmand province, Afghanistan in 2011 that involved a Taliban insurgent. No civilians were involved.