Tag Archives: United Kingdom


Britain ‘could help train Malian army’, says minister

United Kingdom

Britiain is sending two RAF C-17s to provide logistical support for the Malian Army in its attempt to stem the advance of Islamist fighters. No British soldiers will be deploying in a combat role to Mali. Prime Minister Cameron offered to support the French military effort in Mali after a French pilot was killed there.

United Kingdom

Authorities arrested four men in a terrorism investigation linked to the kidnapping of two journalists in Syria by extremists last year. Three of the men were arrested at east London addresses; the fourth, a Portuguese, was detained at Gatwick airport.

United Kingdom

Whitehall is said to be increasingly concerned that Syrian chemical weapons may fall into the hands of extremists. A British team was sent to observe an exercise by US and Jordanian special forces on contingency plans to secure the weapons, but there are no plans at present to deploy British troops for the purpose.

United Kingdom

An appeals court overturned the conviction of Ahmed Faraz, a Birmingham bookseller who was sentenced in 2011 to three years in prison for publishing and distributing extremist material. The court said the prosecution should not have relied on the fact that Faraz’s texts were found in the homes of terrorists.


Publisher apologises for labelling Israel ‘Occupied Palestine’ in textbook

United Kingdom

Abid Naseer, 26, who is wanted by the US on terror charges relating to an al Qaeda plot to bomb New York subways, was extradited to the US. Naseer, a Pakistani, was arrested in 2009 along with 11 other mostly Pakistani members of an al Qaeda cell that also planned attacks in Manchester and Norway. […]


Pakistan to Lift YouTube Ban, as a Viral Video Star Is Welcomed Home


Senior Syrian official in US and co-operating with intelligence agencies

United Kingdom

The High Court declined to hear a Pakistani man’s challenge to the lawfulness of alleged targeting assistance given by the UK to the CIA for the drone campaign in Pakistan. Characterizing the lawsuit as an attempt to elicit a public statement condemning the campaign, the court said that oversight of intelligence matters was the business […]


‘Militants’ threaten Pakistan church school for Malala support