Tag Archives: United Kingdom

United Kingdom

The government is said to be planning a reversal of the 1968 “East of Suez” policy that resulted in the closing of a number of its military bases in the Gulf; the military is considering the establishment of a strong shadow presence in the area following the drawdown from Afghanistan. The UK’s Chief of Defence […]

United Kingdom

The Royal Air Force stated that it has begun supporting ISAF and Afghan ground troops with “armed intelligence and surveillance missions” using drones remotely piloted from Britain. A former chief of defense intelligence said terrorists operate in “a condition of sanctuary” in parts of Afghanistan.

United Kingdom

Three al Qaeda-linked British Islamists who planned mass-casualty suicide attacks, Irfan Naseer, Irfan Khalid and Ashik Ali, were given prison sentences ranging from 18 to 23 years; Rahin Ahmed, an associate, received a 17-year term. Several other members of the Birmingham-based cell were also sentenced. Radical Islamists Imran Mahmood, Jahangir Alom, and Richard Dart received […]

United Kingdom

An appellate court refused the government’s bid to overturn a ruling that prohibits the deportation of extremist cleric Abu Qatada. He remains in prison following his arrest in March for violating bail conditions, and authorities are sifting through a large quantity of alleged extremist material seized from his home at the time.

United Kingdom

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Haroon Aswat, a lieutenant of extremist cleric Abu Hamza, cannot be deported to the US because he suffers from schizophrenia and might deteriorate in a US prison. Aswat is accused of conspiring with Hamza to set up a terrorist training camp in Oregon.

United Kingdom

The Foreign and Commonwealth office expressed concern over reports that chemical weapons have been used by the Assad regime in urban locations in tactical military engagements in Syria. Four al Qaeda-inspired British jihadists plotted in 2011 to attack a Luton military base, according to trial testimony.


Move to Widen Help for Syrian Rebels Gains Speed in West


French trip to Iraq to investigate British deaths ‘too dangerous’

United Kingdom

Lieutenant-General Nick Carter, the UK’s senior commander in Afghanistan, warned against British troops cuts that could endanger the progress made in the last three years. The massive airlift of military equipment back to the UK from Afghanistan has begun.

United Kingdom

The UK has begun sending military trainers to Mali as part of an EU mission. The Home Office lost its appeal against a ruling preventing the deportation of radical Islamist Abu Qatada; the court said the fact he was regarded as a “very dangerous person” was not relevant. Qatada was arrested earlier this month but […]


Libya – Why I resigned – interview with Hassan Al-Amin

United Kingdom

The senior national counterterrorism coordinator said the government has foiled a terror plot the size of the 7/7 London tube bombings every year since 2005; he also said al Qaeda remains the biggest terror threat to the UK. British jails currently hold 134 prisoners classified as terrorists or domestic extremists, of whom 107 are linked […]

United Kingdom

A British official said more British jihadists are going to Syria than all the other areas of conflict combined, and warned that Syria could become “the crucible of trans-national terrorism.” Three men pled guilty to terrorism charges, including traveling to Pakistan for training. Complaints were made about an event sponsored by an Islamic group at […]

United Kingdom

The Labour Party suspended Pakistan-born Muslim peer Nazir Ahmed for stating that his recent prison sentence for dangerous driving was due to pressure by Jews “who own newspapers and TV channels.” As many as 10 of the UK’s most dangerous terror suspects will be “free of all constraints” early next year when the time limits […]

United Kingdom

The Immigration Appeals Commission refused to grant bail to Islamist hate preacher Abu Qatada, who was arrested on March 8 for breaching bail conditions. He apparently violated a prohibition against having mobile phones switched on in his home while he is present.